Chapter 15: Shifu's Approval

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A Few Minutes Later Po, Zhen, The Five, Shifu, Tai Lung, Lord Shen, Kai, The Chameleon, Li and Mr. Ping Arrive To Top Of The Jade Palace.

"Her?! Out Of All The Candidates You Could've Chosen You Chose The Fox?" Asks Master Shifu

"You Know When You Know you Know?" Says Po

"Fine! Choose Who You Want! A Thief, A Stick, A Carrot. I Don't Even Know Why I Bother! I'm Going To Meditate, A Lot!" Says Shifu

Shifu Then Walks Away.

"Don't Worry He'll Come Around. Probably." Says Po

"Maybe. It'll Take A While." Says Tigress

"Hey. Are You Ok?" Asks Po

"He's Right. What About Me Says I'm Ready For This?"

"Well As I Learned From Working At My Dad's Kitchen (Sometimes The Greatest Dishes Come From The Most Unlikely Ingredients)." Says Po

"Ooh, That's Good Po." Says Viper

"That's Nice." Says Monkey

"I Like That." Says The Chameleon

"Cool Spiritual Leadering." Says Kai

"I Could Do Better." Says Tai Lung

"Hey. That's Not Bad. Ok I See You Spiritual Leader." Says Zhen

"Yeah. I'm Getting The Hang Of This Proverb Thing. One Shouldn't Do A Deep Squat With A Chopstick In One's Pocket."

"You Know Maybe You Should Stick To Just Kicking Butt." Says Zhen

"Yeah, It's The Only Thing You're Good At." Says Tai Lung

"Money Can't Buy Happiness, But Sure Can But A Lot Of Dumplings." Says Po

"Why Does It Always Come Back To You And Dumplings?" Asks Zhen

"It's Like His Favorite Food In All Of China." Says Tigress

"Is Your Friend Always This Dumb?" Asks The Chameleon

"Yes." Says Monkey

"Monkey!" Yells Viper

"What?" Asks Monkey

"When Life Gives You Lemons Make Pear Juice and Blow Everyones Minds."

"We Get It." Says Zhen

"I Don't Get It. Also What Are We Talking about Again?" Asks Mantis

"You Can't Have Your Mooncake and Eat It Too. Although I Guess You Could Have Mooncake and Then Order Mango Pudding On The Side."

"Great Now You're Getting Me Hungry." Says Crane

Everyone Then Laughs.

"What? I'm serious!"

"Can't We Just Start With Training Now?" Asks Zhen

"Yeah I Wanna Learn Kung Fu Now!" Says The Chameleon

"OK Fine, Tigress. Wanna Lead Them To Training Hall?" Asks Po

"Sure Master. Come On Guys."

Zhen and The Guy's Then Walk Around The Jade Palace And See An Amazing Training Hall.

"Whoa." Says Zhen

"That's The Training Hall?" Asks The Chameleon

"Yep, But Before We Begin Training Let's Eat." Says Po

"Ugh Fine." Says Zhen and The Chameleon In Unison.

With Shifu He Was Meditating Under The Peach Tree.

"Inner Peace. Inner Peace. Inner Peace.

Multiple Inner Voices Of Po Show Up Around Shifu.

"Hey Master Shifu."

"Look! There's Two Of Us!"

"You're Doing Great Shifu."

"You're Not Breathing With Your Belly."

"You're Looking A Little Tired."

"You Look Like A Squirrel."

"Anyone Want A Cookie?"

Shifu Then Screams And The Inner Voices Of Po Then Disappear.

"Inner Peace. Inner Peace. inner Peace."

We Then Look Behind Shifu and See A Tree Representing Po and How He's Grown Up. Then A Tiny Plant Shows Up Representing Zhen and How She's Starting To Grow.

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