Chapter 14: The True Successor

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After That Battle With The Chameleon Po and His Friends and Family Came Back To The Valley Of Peace and Po Was About To Choose The Next Dragon Warrior Without People Showing Off Their Skills.

"Hello Everyone! Nice To See All My Fans Again! It's Been Great To be The Dragon Warrior. But Sadly I Have To Give Up The Dragon Warrior and Pass It On To Someone Else. Cause If There's Anything I Learned From My Journey Change Isn't Something We Always Want But We Have To Accept It and Become Something Better Then We Already Are. That's Why I'm Now Gonna Choose The New Successor For The Dragon Warrior. And Her Name Is Zhen."

"Her?" Asks Everyone

"Me?" Asks Zhen

"Zhen, Ever Since We Met You Showed Me That You Have Kindness and Heart. And I Didnt Know That A Thief Could Have That. But You've Shown Me That Some Do and Some Don't. Sometimes You Can't Judge A Book By It's Cover, You Have To Read It and See What It Holds Within."

"Shifu Then Is Shocked and Then Nods.

"That's Why I Declare My New Friend, and Daughter Zhen The Dragon Warrior!"

Everyone Then Cheers. Some Birds Then Carry A Passageway For Zhen.

"Uh, I Wouldn't Do That If I Were You. Remember What Happened Last Time?" Says Po

"Fair Enough." Says A Bird

The Birds Then Throw Away The Passageway and Po, Zhen and His Friends Walk Up To The Jade Palace.

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