Chapter four: Potions

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"What if they hurt him? Or worse what if they killed him? Oh Merlin this isn't good" Melody thought as she walked into her potions class. She hadn't been able to find Sebastian anywhere in the castle since the night of the troll attack in Hogsmeade. Every passing moment without any sign of Sebastian intensified her worry, causing her mind to conjure up countless scenarios of danger and harm that could have befallen him. Her anxiety gnawed at her, making it increasingly difficult to focus on anything else.

"Melody? Is that you?"

Her mind had been so absorbed in her thoughts that she had not noticed Ominis walking up to her. "Ominis! Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you. I- How did you know it was me?"

It had been brought to her attention that Ominis was blind. His wand's ability to communicate his surroundings to him was of immense significance, as it not only compensated for his blindness but also enabled him to navigate and interact with the world around him with remarkable precision and confidence.

"Your perfume. It's subtle but a rather unique smell"

"Is that bad?"

"Not at all, it smells lovely," he smiled. "Would you like to sit with me? I have an empty spot at my station"

"That would be great. Thank you Ominis" Melody smiled as she followed him to the potions table in the far corner. Having their potions station farther away made her feel better; being in the middle of the room was one of her least favorite things.

"Alright settle down!" Their Professor firmly said as he walked into the classroom, a noticeable limp in his walk made Melody wonder how it happened. "Today you will be assigned to brew a blood replenishing potion. Along with that I expect 20 inches of why this particular potion could come in handy and why you should use it with caution"

"You may begin"


"I can practically feel the anxiety coming from you. If you needed help with the recipe all you had to do was ask dear" Ominis cheekily said as they were halfway through brewing their assigned task.

"Hmm?" Melody hummed as she looked up at him, realizing she had been stirring her potion as she dazed out. "Oh I'm not worried about the potion. It's a fairly simple recipe"

"Then what has you so worried?" Ominis wondered.

"It's Sebastian,"

"Oh Merlin, listen Melody, if he said something to offend you-" Ominis was saying, ready to apologize on behalf of his best friend.

"No, no of course he didn't" she assured him. "I haven't seen him since the day of our Hogsmeade visit and I'm worried something bad happened when we were separated"

"Oh sweet Melody, you needn't worry about Sebastian. He's fine" Ominis chuckled.

"He is? Then why haven't I seen him?" She was confused. 

If Sebastian wasn't hurt or kidnapped or even dead, why hadn't she seen him around the castle? Was he avoiding her? She couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness mixed with frustration. The thought of Sebastian purposely avoiding her made her question everything that had happened that night. The uncertainty of their friendship gnawed at her, leaving her longing for answers.

"Apparently he went after Rookwood and Harlow that night after you were separated. Professor Weasley found out and was absolutely livid. She gave him detention. He's to be doing tasks in between classes and before curfew"

"He. Did. What!?" She screeched. 

Mixed emotions swirled within Melody as she tried to make sense of Sebastian's reckless act. On the one hand, she admired his bravery. It wasn't every day that a student went after Rookwood and Harlow and survived. On the other hand, she couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of fear and concern for his safety, questioning the reasoning behind his risky decision.

Immediately all eyes turned to her and her face heated up from embarrassment. "Perhaps we should spend less time gossiping and more time working on our assignment. Time is ticking, Miss Sterling" Professor Sharp warned from his desk.

"Yes sir" she muttered, gluing her eyes to her cauldron.


"Whoa!" Sebastian yelled as he was forcefully pushed aside on his way to the Great Hall for dinner. "Melody? What the-"

"You went after Rookwood and Harlow!? Are you mental!?" Her heart was pumping and her blood was boiling. She could not control the anger she felt at his stupidity. However, underneath the anger, there was a deep sense of relief that he was alive. She knew that his recklessness could easily have cost him his life, and she couldn't help but feel frustrated and grateful.

"Of course Ominis told you," Sebastian scoffed.

"Because I was worried about you! I thought they... that they..."

She couldn't bring herself to say the words. A sense of warmth engulfed Sebastian as he realized how rare it was for someone to genuinely care about his well-being. It had been so long since he felt this kind of concern from anyone other than Anne or Ominis, and it touched him deeply.

"Oh!" She gasped upon seeing the purple and blue bruise on his jaw. "Oh Sebastian... I'm so sorry. I never should have let you leave. You should have come back with me" She reached out to hug him but quickly retracted her hands, unsure of how he would react if she had done so.

"It's nothing. I'm fine, Melody, I promise it's just a bruise" he assured her. "I should be asking about you. You owe me some answers about what happened. The magic you used to defeat the troll and why Ranrok, Rookwood and Harlow are after you"

While they stood near the Great Hall, there were too many students around them to tell him about the ancient magic she possessed. Despite Professor Fig's request that she keep everything secret, Sebastian witnessed her rare magical ability first-hand. She had no choice but to trust him with her secret. 

"I will. I promise but this isn't the place to do so"

"I'll hold you to that you know"

Melody rolled her eyes but smiled at his words. His playful demeanor made all the worry she previously felt disappear. His mischievous smile and cheeky remark brought a sense of lightness to the air, easing the tension and making her forget all the troubles that previously plagued her mind.

"I'll see you later, Sterling" he playfully said as he walked past her, heading for the Great Hall.

"Wait Sebastian!" She spun around to catch him, nearly running into him as he hadn't gotten that far.

"You have got to be one of the most clumsiest people I have ever met" Sebastian laughed as he held onto her arms to keep her steady.

"Piss off, Sallow" she giggled. "You said you can get into the restricted section of the library, right?"

His hazel eyes glowed with mischief as he grinned that familiar boyish grin. "Looking to break the rules eh Sterling?" He mused.

"Are you willing to help me, Sallow?"


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