Chapter fourteen: Rendezvous by the lake

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The tranquil ambiance of the black lake enveloped Melody as she stood there, the sun's reflection casting a mesmerizing dance of light and shadows upon the shimmering surface of the water. The gentle ripples created a soothing symphony, inviting her to lose herself in the serenity of the moment.

"Were you going to walk by and not say hello, dear?"

Melody gasped in surprise. She had been completely absorbed in the serenity of her surroundings, oblivious to the presence of another student nearby. The sudden interruption of the student's voice startled her, breaking her reverie and bringing her back to reality.

"Ominis. It's so good to see you."

As she settled beside Ominis, Melody couldn't help but share her appreciation for the tranquil atmosphere that had captivated her moments ago. "I was lost in the beauty of this place," she confessed, her gaze wandering to the gently swaying branches and the warm sunlight filtering through the remaining leaves that lingered on the trees.

"I like to come out here when I need a break from everything. I like the sound of the small waves crashing against the shore."

"I wasn't planning on coming down to the lake, I just needed some fresh air. All anyone can talk about is this upcoming ball" she told him.

Ominis chuckled. "With the ball in a few weeks, the pressure of everything is starting to take away some of the fun."

"I've already got my dress, it's all the girls could talk about as soon as the Headmaster made his announcement. It's the pressure of finding a date"

Melody sighed, feeling the weight of peer pressure as she contemplated finding a date for the ball. She didn't want to be the only one without a partner, but she also didn't want to settle for just anyone. The pressure to find the perfect date was beginning to overshadow the excitement.

"I'm afraid I cannot relate, dear. Much to my dismay, Sebastian has already secured dates for him and myself" Ominis told her.


Melody's heart sank as she grappled with a sea of emotions. She couldn't help but wonder why Sebastian hadn't asked her, especially when they had been spending so much time together lately.

After finding out that Sebastian had a date to the ball, Melody's demeanor shifted drastically. Her once cheerful and vibrant personality seemed to dim, replaced by a noticeable sadness and a hint of jealousy that she couldn't quite hide. Her eyes, once sparkling with excitement, now held a tinge of disappointment as she tried to mask her true feelings.

Ominis couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for delivering the news that had caused such a drastic shift in Melody's demeanor. He wished he could take back his words and spare her from the pain she was clearly experiencing.


"I have to go," she said quickly. "Thank you for spending some time with me. I'll see you around, Ominis" 

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