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Chapter 5: Solitary

The next morning dawned with a heavy sense of tension lingering in the air, palpable even amidst the flurry of activity as the entire squad assembled for training under Hange's watchful eye. But as I scanned the faces of my comrades, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at the edges of my consciousness.

Levi was nowhere to be seen, his absence casting a shadow over the proceedings. It was a stark reminder of the events of the previous night, and the repercussions that still loomed over me like a dark cloud.

As we went through the motions of our training drills, I found myself seeking solace in the company of Jean, hoping to find some semblance of normalcy amidst the chaos that threatened to consume me.

"Hey, Jean," I began tentatively, my voice barely above a whisper. "Something weird happened last night."

Jean raised an eyebrow, his expression curious. "What's up, Eren?" he asked, his tone laced with suspicion.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to broach the subject. But then, in a rush of words, I blurted out the events of the previous night—the kiss, Levi's unexpected appearance, the ensuing confrontation.

To my surprise, Jean's reaction was not one of sympathy, but rather amusement. He burst into laughter, his voice echoing across the training grounds as he mocked my predicament.

"Caught by Levi, huh?" he jeered, his laughter grating on my nerves. "I always knew you had a knack for idiocy,  but I didn't think you'd be stupid enough to get caught in the act, by Levi of all people."

Anger flared within me, hot and fierce, but before Jean could get another word in, our altercation turned physical. In a blur of motion, I lunged at him, my fists flying as we grappled with each other in a frenzied tangle of limbs.

The sound of Hange's voice cut through the chaos, her shouts barely audible over the din of our struggle. With a strength born of desperation, she managed to pry us apart, dragging us apart before things could escalate any further.

As I stood there, chest heaving with exertion and anger still simmering beneath the surface, I felt a sense of shame wash over me. I had let my emotions get the better of me once again, and it had cost me dearly.

Hange wasted no time in delivering her verdict—solitary confinement, a punishment fitting of our reckless behavior. As I was led away to the confines of my cell, the weight of my mistakes hung heavy on my shoulders, a constant reminder of the consequences of my actions.

But as the door slammed shut behind me, leaving me alone with my thoughts, a sense of foreboding settled over me like a shroud. For I knew that my punishment was far from over, and that the true reckoning awaited me in the form of the one person I had been trying so desperately to avoid—Levi.

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