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Hyoseop had just finished the last two sentences of his paper when he heard a knock on his bedroom door, "Come in," he said as his mum walked in carrying a tray full of snacks and a cup of tea.

"How are you going?"

He smiles at her, "Just finished, can't believe that's the last one ever,"

She places the tray on his desk and sighs, "It seems like only yesterday you were still in diapers. I can't believe you're graduating college in just a matter of months."

He picks up a biscuit before responding, "Now, don't get all emotional on me, Mother. This is delicious, by the way," he says as he savours the buttery goodness of the treat.

"My signature shortbread, always a favourite of yours," she grins and pats him on the shoulder before sitting down on the edge of the bed, "how are you feeling about it all, though?"

"Honestly quite relieved that I won't have to do any more exams or assignments, but a bit intimidated at what's to come. I know Dad expects a lot from me,"

She shrugs, "You've always been good at whatever you put your mind towards, I highly doubt you'll struggle as you take your official position in the company,"

"Maybe," he thinks for a few beats, "do you think he would mind if I asked to take a gap year?"

Hyoseop's mother looked at him with surprise, "Is that something you're considering?"

"I don't know," he sighs, "there's a couple of things I need to think about,"

She had a feeling something was up. Hyoseop was the happiest he'd ever been over the past few months, but she could tell that something was constantly on his mind. Although he had always been independent, it wasn't like him to keep secrets from her.

"Would these things have anything to do with a girl?"


His body language said otherwise, "You know you don't have to hide this from me right, son?"

"I'm not hiding anything, mum, I just..." he lets his voice trail off, "I'll talk to you about it when the time is right,"

She didn't want to push him any further, "Alright then," standing up, she paused at the door before walking out, "whenever you're ready to talk, I'm right here,"

"Thanks, Mum," 

As the door closed, Hyoseop leaned back on his chair, closing his eyes. Truth be told he didn't know when the time would ever be right to tell his parents about Sejeong. The two of them had been having this conversation back and forth lately, her not knowing what to do either. Hyoseop knew that his mother wasn't the issue, it was his father. He had no clue how he was going to react, and if he'd be as open-minded as his mother was. The buzzing of his phone took him out of his daze, him smiling as he saw the name that popped up on his screen.


How are you going with your paper?


All done :)


Woohoo! So that's it for your last year of college~


And for yours too... we're finally graduating!


I still can't believe it, it's all starting to feel real but not real at the same time... does that even make sense?


The Present (Ahn Hyoseop x Kim Sejeong)Where stories live. Discover now