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7 years later...

"So as you can see, we think that this product would be great to add to our existing line of frozen dumplings, and we highly encourage that we rebrand them under Kim's Stores home brand,"

Sejeong skimmed through the final few pages of the pitch deck she had in front of her, "And have you done the numbers, do they check out?"

"Yes," answered the head of finance, "not only is it feasible for us to add a new product to our home brand line, but based on the results we received from product testing, the flavour is a hit and will be another way for us to increase revenue as we head into the second half of the year."

"What do you think Sejeong-ah," her brother asked next to her, "do you think we can do it?"

Pausing for a few beats, she smiled at the team, "Yes, let's do it."

What followed was a murmur of approvement around the room, everyone clearly thrilled with the outcome of the meeting, "Thanks team for today," said her brother, "have the product development team work with the supplier to finalise everything, and marketing can get started on the packaging and campaigns to follow. Good work. Look forward to catching up next week."

As everyone around the boardroom stood up to leave, Sejeong's brother put an arm on her shoulder, catching her attention, "Well done, I'm proud of you,"

"Couldn't have done it without my team, they're the ones who pushed for the product in the first place,"

He shrugged, "You are head of development, Sejeong-ah. You taught those kids well, you should take the win too."

"Alright," she smiled, standing up, "if you say so,"

The two of them head out of the boardroom and down the hallway towards the lifts. Sejeong still couldn't believe the role she now held at the company. When her father promoted her to head of development, she told him he was crazy and that she wasn't ready. And yet here she was, two years later, flourishing in her role and loving her job.

"Are you still going tonight, by the way?"

"To my best friend's engagement party? Yes, because Inah would hunt me down if I bailed,"

He chuckled, "She hasn't changed a bit, has she,"

"Nope, but just how I love her."

"I am happy for her and Rowoon, they're a couple of good people,"

Sejeong could only agree with that. As the lift dinged open and they stepped in, she teased him, "What about you oppa, anyone special in your life lately?"

He groaned, "Not going there,"

"I'm just saying, I'm patiently waiting!"

"You and I both know you'll probably beat me to that,"

She shook her head, "Not there yet either, oppa!"

"Come on," he looked at his little sister, "you and I both know Minwoo is desperate to marry you, you're the one that's keeping him waiting,"

Sejeong sighed, she knew. Choi Minwoo had introduced himself just over a year ago. He was kind, sweet, charming, and so happened to be the eldest son of one of South Korea's largest producers of fresh milk. It turns out that their parents had been colleagues for a while, having stocked their milk at Kim's Grocery Stores. On paper, it was a match made in heaven, so Sejeong went for it. Inah said it was about time, as she hadn't even been willing to date since...

Shrugging the thoughts out of her head, she responded, "I don't know, oppa, I just feel like I'm not ready yet for that next step,"

Youngmin knew his sister like the back of his hand, and he knew exactly why she was so hesitant in giving her heart away. He could only hope that one day, she'd finally be over him, and find the courage to open up to someone else, "I see the way he looks at you, Sejeong-ah,"

The Present (Ahn Hyoseop x Kim Sejeong)Where stories live. Discover now