Prologue - Excerpt One

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The darkest of places causes the light cutting within it to shine evermore brightly. Darkness itself cannot exist for so long that Light is unable to overcome it; it simply needs an opened door. Light cannot penetrate a closed door, but when the door is opened, Darkness slips away and Light refreshes anew.

Darkness has existed for so long that no one knows its origin. But we like to think that it is simply an absence; void of form, smothering meaning, Darkness blinds carelessly and without prejudice. Darkness stifles right thought, quells passionate hope, quenches the closed fist and replaces it with a fearful palm. It dulls the eyes, weighs shoulders, and slows the fiery heart. Those who serve it infect our world with seething tongues and anthems with depth of the dwelling of Darkness. Those who do not, eventually will. Hope cannot be found among them, but instead they are swarmed with palpitating hearts, cracked lips, and uncontrollable fear. Yet even the darkest of places becomes the lightest with an open door.

In the days time forgot, Darkness overcame our world. Its followers declared war on those of Light, and though they fought verily, they have been defeated. Now Darkness has taken its meaningless dwelling in the Empty Spaces between the light in our world. The door has been closed, and Darkness has become unreachable, indomitable by light and life alike.

Everywhere it waits for one worthy to overtake it and bring the light back into our world.

-Excerpt from The Writ of Shadows

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