Chapter 7 - The Fort on the River

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It had taken two days and nights for The Scientist to bury all twenty-seven of his friends, the fallen slaughtered citizens of Moorite. Thoughts of vengeance glazed his eyes as he tore into the crystal sand and interred their bodies, one by one. He had taken a shovel from Joppu's warehouse, which had been nearly untouched as no Selenites had been inside at the time. The Scientist's mind resounded with guilted sorrow.

When he had finally finished, he did not stop. They deserved a funeral. I will give them one. He mustered some broken words on their behalf – remembering their sacrifice – or was it sacrifice? The Scientist wept through clenched teeth, remembering the words of The Shadow Baron.

"If you would have never come to this place, they would still be safe."

They would still be alive if I had never come to this world. Rage building inside him, festering into his broken heart, The Scientist remembered Anna. She was the only hope of remembrance for this village. Tears thudded to the ground as he spoke what he had memorized of the song she had sung at the feast.

"Though Death be at your side, and Time doth beat your hide... see that you'll take my prayer... that Light be with you there."

He could not idle any longer in front of the graveyard that had become Moorite. He followed Nameless' orders:

"Take the route across the hills, through the valley bordering the Sea. The valley will lead to Deltafront."

The valley was beaten with the footprints of The Shadow who had crossed through after destroying Moorite. They were easy to follow and helped him avoid footfalls into the chasms below. They seemed to have no end, but if they did, death was surely there.

The Scientist was tired and hungry. He had not slept or eaten for two days – his spoiled stomach refused both. His exhausted foot suddenly cracked into a crystal bed, plunging into the ground and forcing his ankle to the side, spraining it.

The Scientist refused to stop at first, but the pain worsened until he could not bear his own weight. He tried to bounce on one leg, or even crawl, but it was too much. He needed to stop.

In the mountains above was a glow. Friend or foe? At least he could be rid of this terrible pain in either circumstance. He decided to climb the mountain, using his spear to pull himself up.

The resonance of the injury in his ankle as he reached the campsite was dreadful. He no longer had energy to stand. He hoped they were friends, and collapsed on the ground near the fire. His spear clattered to the ground.

"Please help me."

The next voice he heard unlocked his feeble legs.

"My dear friend... The Scientist? Is that you?"

The Scientist leapt to his feet, despite his broken spirit. "My dear lady! You're here!" Tears flowed anew as they merged at their cheeks, flowing together to salt the earth. "I thought I would never see you again!"

The Paladin cried with him. "You were there... in The Tempestuous Schism! I saw you covered in light. What happened to you?"

The Scientist held her face in his hands. "I don't remember what happened. I only remember this voice... a voice of serenity and guidance... "The seed of light whispers within you. Ascend the Pyramid." He hugged her tightly, noticing the other two beings that were with her. Or smiled happily at his presence.

"Ego primum vidit!"

No One chirped jealously. "He did not! He saw me first!"

"Who are these people, milady?" The Scientist weakly gripped his spear aside him, ready to battle.

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