Is It Really You?

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Akita and Kataru had woken up to a burnt out fire, and to the sounds of many small animals nearby. 

There seemed to be slightly more snow on the ground than the night before, likely due to the wind. Akita was still lost in thought, thinking about her conversation with Kataru from the night before. Kataru had gotten up first for once, and had been scavenging in a nearby tree line. 

The thought of leaving her home was insane. To another realm, nonetheless. Whether or not she agreed with Kataru, there was one thing she could not deny. This chance would never happen again, and once the Ninja walked through Sorla's portal, there was no telling if they'd ever return. 

'Consulting the village and Lloyd's friends may not be a horrible idea,' she thought. 

Akita stood up, dusted the snow on her robes off, and headed over to the sounds emanating from the trees. She trudged though the snow, closing in on the noises. She would find herself standing in front of a pile of brush.

"What are you doing brother?" Akita voiced into the brush.

Kataru popped his head up from behind the pile, "Good morning. I had heard an animal digging in this area and had gotten the idea to find stones and more firewood before mid day. You slept for some time, are you feeling alright?"

Akita took a few moments and looked around. She had still wished to visit the nearby village, and find out when the Ninja would be leaving. Or more specifically, when Lloyd was leaving. She wished to see him again. 

"I... wish to go to the village. Will you accompany me?"

The village wasn't that far away, about 30 minutes of walking. Akita could cut that in half in wolf form, she knew the woods well by now.

Kataru smiled. "You can go on ahead. I'm going to stay and gather some supplies for the next few days."

With that, Akita turned around, causing the tails on her cloak to whip. She took a few steps and heard Kataru speak up again, 

"Tell Lloyd I said thank you for what he has done for us. Maybe you could look into more of what this Ninjago is like?"

Akita's face flushed slightly. Her brother could see right through her. 

"Alright already! You should come if you wish to hear about it so much."

She heard her brother cackle slightly and return his head into the brush, leaving his bear cowl to be the only visible part of him.

Akita, still flushed, began walking through the forest towards the village.

She had almost reached the village when she spotted something a distance away. She was on higher ground, looking down onto a small creek. It looked like a villager kneeling down in the snow looming over the creek. She then heard sharp breaths, almost like gasps. Akita advanced, using the trees to hide her presence. As she descended closer, she began to smell and see more clearly just who exactly the figure was. There was no missing his green Gi anywhere, the color stood out like an eyesore in the white snowy forest. 

Lloyd? What is he doing out here all alone? Akita questioned herself. She chose not to reveal herself, and stayed across the creek behind a fairly thick pine. The sight of Lloyd in the forest was like a burning cathedral, it made her feel an achiness in the recesses of her heart.

Lloyd continued to make gasping noises, which caused Akita to go into a short panic, thinking he couldn't breathe. She could sense the air being sharply inhaled, and let out with a shaky exhale.  As she looked closer however, she could see him continue to breathe. He leaned back from the creek and looked up, showing his face. 

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