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After her conversation with Nya earlier, Akita had learned quite a lot. She had learned about cities, vehicles, and most importantly- what it meant to date someone. In her village, the customs of romance were valued, but straightforward. If one formling wished to be a mate to another there would be signs. Much similar to some of their original animal forms, to aid in finding a mate, pheromone chemicals would be released. This would help determine suitable mates, and reduce the time it took to find them. It would not be uncommon for formlings to ignore pheromones, for whatever personal reasons they may have for doing so. One of the biggest differences in the culture's romances would lie in that there was no 'dating'.  Unlike some of their animal counterparts, once a suitable mate had been found, formlings would mate for life. This would be similar to the yin/yang custom found in Ninjago, except there was no ring or amulet. The formlings held ceremonies similar to weddings, but would be public and open to the entire village.  

Akita took the differences in customs to heart, pondering what it would really mean to be a 'mate' in Ninjago terms. She looked at the sky, now alone on the swing. It had gotten quite dark, fires now lighting the village streets. The village had grown quiet, the denizen retreating to their homes. She knew she had to come to a decision.

All I have is tonight.

Akita got up off the swing and headed to pull her brother out of Sorla's building. 

She knocked on the wooden door, understanding that to be part of manners in the village. Cole opened the door.

"Oh hey!" Cole greeted her, opening the wooden door further, stepping aside and gesturing her in.

Akita waved her hands up in front of her like she had seen them do multiple times.

"That is okay. Can you tell Kataru to come out?"

"Yeah sure thing." Cole disappeared from view, and a moment later Kataru emerged from the building.

"It is getting dark, we should head back. Or do you wish to stay the night?" Akita asked.

Kataru thought for a moment. The thought of sleep was enough to trigger a yawn out of him almost instantly. He had overheard Sorla speak of a feast for the Ninja, and a thought came to mind.

"Let us stay. We have been invited to a feast, we must not say no to a good meal."

It was a logical decision for the two. For Kataru, it meant he didn't have to walk for 30 minutes half awake. For Akita, it meant she got more time with Lloyd. For both, it meant a free feast. Thinking of her thoughts earlier, Akita decided that it was time to talk. She worked quickly.

"Brother, do you have a moment?" 


About another hour later, Sorla had gotten the group together for a final feast, marking the Ninja's last night in the Never Realm. Present along with 5 of the Ninja were the two formlings, several villagers whose lives were saved by the Ninja, and with Sorla at the head of the table. Zane had stayed outside to keep a sharp guard, knowing that he will probably have to carry his friends to bed. The food offered consisted of mostly meats like venison and fish, it was all the village was able to get on short notice. Nevertheless, the group was extremely grateful. Served to drink, was a potent form of mead and Sorla's homemade wine. She had let it age for quite some time, since before the realm had been frozen over. Unsure if they could ingest the substance, Akita and Kataru requested water from the village well. The Ninja, in typical fashion, were arrogant in their ability to keep up with the villagers. While the Ninja had become intoxicated, the formlings took time to fully appreciate the meats before them, drowning in the flavor and spices. 

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