House of Wolves

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Akita and Lloyd decided to now make their way back to the village. They weren't far out, merely the distance Lloyd had originally wandered. They passed many thick trees and large rocks, but eventually found a rough path that lead straight into the streets of the village. They walked side by side out of the thicket and into the clearing, following the rough path.

Akita felt indifferent about the village and its advancements to living, but she enjoyed the people. The formling village she had been raised in wasn't too different, but she has long accepted life in the woods. It certainly wasn't as advanced as Lloyd's machine, or the thing he called the "Land Bounty". The people of the village were nice and caring ever since Vex's lies had been dispelled, never going out of their way to be rude or to hunt in excess. That was enough for her. The village will always welcome Akita and her brother. 

The village wasn't small by any means, compared to everything short of the Samurai's castle, it was the only sign of civilization you could find. The buildings were made out of logs and finished wood, indicating skilled craft. The buildings had doors on hinges, windows were common to find. There was no doubt the village had been here for quite some time. This allowed for the folk to continue advancing by giving a way to protect themselves, and not just focus on surviving.

The pair walked by a few buildings, slowly reaching the house where Sorla typically could be found. They passed a clearing near the edge of the village, finding the rest of the Ninja and Krag. Lloyd was surprised to see that now, instead of throwing snow balls, Cole and Krag had now built small snow forts amassing snow ammunition and preparing for all-out war. He could hear the two laughing and snorting from behind two mound like structures. The children of the village could be heard cheering nearby, rooting for each of the two like a it was game of dodgeball. The rest of the Ninja were with Sorla, underneath an overhang outside her building.

"It looks like she has an update," Lloyd gestured at the group, heading in their direction.

After Lloyd had started in the direction of the group, Akita followed in suit, now hiding behind him instead of walking at his side. She had seen the others before, but not gotten the chance to meet any of the Ninja (besides Zane). 

"There you are Lloyd! We've been wondering where you went." Kai waved to Lloyd.

"We were afraid you went on another adventure without us buddy!" Shouted Jay.

"Hey guys, sorry about that. There's someone I'd like for you to meet." Lloyd then held his hand out, presenting who was to his side. He did not realize Akita was no longer beside him, instead she was hiding behind his back. 

He whipped around in confusion, once he located Akita he held her hand and took a step to her side. He should have guessed this would happen, he felt regret for making her come face to face with Zane again. 

"This is Akita. She saved my life multiple times, and helped me find Zane."

Akita simply waived with her free hand, nervous beyond belief. She looked at Zane, who looked down and held his hands, feeling extremely guilty. Before it got awkward, Nya chirped up,

"I remember you! You had a brother too didn't you? Thank you for looking after Lloyd. I'm Nya,"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jay. Thank you for bringing him back to us. We need a leash for this guy, we can't take him anywhere!" Jay said, almost apologetically. 

Akita then looked at Lloyd and gave him a predatory stare, smirking slightly at the thought of him wearing a leash. Lloyd once again turned red in the face at this, his breath taken away from him by Jay's comment. The group laughed.

Cole then ran up to the group. He was completely covered in snow, it appeared he had lost the great war. The group once again fell silent, glancing at the approaching Cole.

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