To Wish Impossible Things

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Ever since the Ninja departed, Wu spent most of his time meditating in the courtyard of his monastery. He had been left with nothing but time to think. Normally, he'd come up with something to sooth himself, or meditate to find the answers he sought but under the circumstances, minutes felt like hours.

Wu felt like a failure. His mind kept retreating back to the what ifs, and the couldves. It felt like there was finally nothing he could do. Pixal would occasionally pass him and remind him to keep faith, but Wu had run out. He currently sat in the shade, looking out towards the front gate. Leaves had accumulated on the ground, sheltered by the tall white walls of the monastery. The sun was almost ready to set, painting the horizon orange and the sky above a unique shade of amber, cascading blue in the opposite direction. A breeze could be heard passing above the walls causing Wu to look up, wrinkling his forehead as he gazed. 

It had only been a couple of days since the Ninja left. Not much was known about the Never realm. Wu only knew of what his father told him, which wasn't much. What he did know however, is that it was not likely anyone would return once being sent to it. 

Was it a wasteland?

A phantom realm like the cursed realm?

Wu closed his eyes and stood up, deciding he would not get the answers to what he was looking for by wondering. He turned around and headed inside, wanting to grab his incense. 


Pixal sat in her workshop, staring at the main console on the wall. She missed Zane dearly. Knowing he wasn't dead helped, but knowing she might not ever see him again certainly didn't. She wasn't designed for this much uncertainty and anxiety. Almost tempted to turn her emotions switch off, Pixal stood up to head outside. Spending time in the dark would not help anything. 

Walking through the interior of the monastery, Pixal passed master Wu. She observed as he walked, steadily walking down a hallway with his eyes lightly shut. The nindroid figured he must be deep in thought. Or maybe trying to clear his thoughts.

She walked through the main entrance to the building, now standing in the center of the courtyard. Life without her friends was lonely. Life without Zane was miserable. The half of his heart left in her ached as she thought of him. The many memories of hugs, conversations, and hands held were carefully documented in her memory. She spent many minutes going over them in detail. Zane was the only one that would ever be compatible.

'Please, return to me.'

Suddenly, the wind picked up. A strange sound began sounding before her. Pixal immediately shot up and in full attention. Almost as if to answer her calls, something appeared just before the gate. 

"MASTER WU! COME QUICK!" Pixal yelled inside, trying to reach Wu.

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