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Jimin continued to sit in the university garden, lost in his thoughts and admiring the beauty of nature. Unbeknownst to him, someone approached from behind. When Jimin finally realized that someone was standing nearby, he turned to find Yoongi, a look of confusion in his eyes.

"Jimin? What are you doing here in the garden?" Yoongi, his usual cold and reserved self, asked with a hint of surprise.

"Oh, I just needed a break, some fresh air, you know." Jimin, slightly taken aback by Yoongi's unexpected presence, replied,

Yoongi, though still somewhat bewildered, nodded. "I see. Well, it's a good place for that."

The two of them found themselves in an unusual situation, brought together by chance in the tranquil garden. They both sat together on the bench.

Amid the awkward silence, Jimin gathered his courage and decided to break the tension by initiating a conversation with Yoongi. With a hint of fear in his voice but determination in his eyes, Jimin spoke up.

"Yoongi, I want to talk to you about what happened between us recently. I didn't do it on purpose, but I'm still so sorry for it all I want to apologize. I didn't mean to cause any trouble or hurt you. Everything is still new to me here, and sometimes I get lost in my thoughts. That day in the garden, I was planning to sit there too, but when I saw you, I didn't want to disturb you, so I turned back and went to my class. I'm truly sorry for any misunderstandings."

Jimin's voice wavered with emotion as he continued, "I want you to know that I'm not the person you might think I am. I'm not seeking attention or trying to cause problems. Yes, I may come from a humble background, but that doesn't define who I am. Please don't judge me based on misconceptions. I'm just trying to navigate through this new environment like everyone else."

As Jimin finished speaking, he looked at Yoongi with a mixture of apprehension and hope, hoping that his words would bridge the gap between them and lead to a better understanding.

Yoongi, who had been sitting silently, listened attentively as Jimin spoke. His expression remained calm, though his face retained its usual stern demeanour, betraying no hint of emotion.

After Jimin finished speaking, Yoongi looked at him plainly and replied,

"Okay, I understand. And I'm also sorry for accusing you every time without reason. I've been under a lot of stress lately, and I let my anger get the best of me."

His words carried a sense of sincerity, despite the lack of visible emotion on his face. There was a weight to his apology, a recognition of the wrongs he had committed. Jimin listened, feeling a mixture of relief and gratitude at Yoongi's unexpected understanding.

"It's okay, Yoongi," Jimin said softly, his voice tinged with a sense of acceptance. But then he gathered his courage to ask the question that had been weighing on his mind for so long.

"I want to ask you, why do you hate me so much just because I come from a poor family? Why do you have such disdain for people like me?" Jimin's words were filled with genuine curiosity and a hint of sadness. He couldn't understand why someone would judge him solely based on his background, and he hoped Yoongi could shed some light on the matter.

"I don't feel obligated to explain my feelings or thoughts to you," Yoongi retorted, his tone firm and unwavering. "But now that I understand you didn't intend any harm, and I've apologized for my actions, let's consider the matter settled, okay?"

He continued, his voice holding a stern edge, "From now on, let's keep our distance. And regarding Taehyung, I may not trust you, but he's chosen to be your friend. He's kind and innocent, but also a bit childish. He easily forms friendships, so if he's chosen you, he must see something in you. Don't betray his trust. If you do, I won't hesitate to take action."

Despite Yoongi's attempt to sound indifferent, there was a hint of concern in his words, a protective instinct towards Taehyung evident in his tone. He wanted to ensure that Jimin understood the gravity of his words and the importance of respecting Taehyung's friendship.

Jimin's expression fell, a mix of hurt and disappointment, but he nodded in silent acceptance. Despite his hopes for understanding, Yoongi's stern words left him resigned. He silently acknowledged the need to keep his distance and protect Taehyung's trust, feeling a heavy weight settle in his heart.

As the bell chimed, signalling the end of the break, Jimin spoke up hastily, "I have a class to attend." Yoongi nodded in response, and Jimin promptly made his way towards his classroom, eager to put some distance between himself and the tense atmosphere of their conversation.

Yoongi didn't harbour any hatred towards Jimin or people from humble backgrounds. However, he struggled to trust them due to an experience. When he was 19, Yoongi fell deeply in love with an 18-year-old girl from a poor family. Despite their different backgrounds, Yoongi loved her with all his heart.

Their love story began when Yoongi saved the girl from some troublemakers in the park. They met there every day, and the girl shared everything about her background with Yoongi. He didn't care about their differences; all that mattered was his love for her.

Their relationship was running smoothly they used to spend so much time together and yoongi also took his girlfriend on so many dates. They used to love each other so much or we can say yoongi loves that girl so much. They had one year of a relationship.

However, their relationship came crashing down when Yoongi, caught his girlfriend with another boy in a mall. Seeing them happy together shattered Yoongi's heart.

After witnessing his girlfriend kissing another boy, Yoongi's world shattered. Hurt and betrayed, he left the mall without a word, unable to bear the sight of her infidelity.

From that day forward, he avoided any contact with her, his heart weighed down by the pain of her betrayal. Despite her attempts to reach out, he remained resolute in his decision to cut her out of his life completely. And that girl also never tried to contact Yoongi again.

Seeking solace far from home, Yoongi left Korea and embarked on a journey to America to pursue his studies. Three years later, having completed his education, he returned to Korea with a newfound determination.

Setting his sights on furthering his academic pursuits, He joined Seoul National University (SNU) for his master's degree.

As Yoongi stepped onto the campus grounds of SNU, memories of his past pain lingered, but he was determined to forge a new path for himself. With a renewed sense of purpose, he immersed himself in his studies, determined to leave the pain of his past behind him and build a brighter future for himself.

Yoongi was deeply in love with that girl, but her betrayal shattered him. He felt broken and his trust was completely destroyed. Once a happy person, he became cold-hearted and distant after the incident.

He doesn't trust anyone easily, except for his family members. The pain of betrayal changed him profoundly, leaving him guarded and cautious in his interactions with others.



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 "Tangled Fates" ~Park Jimin And The Billionaire Min Yoongi~Where stories live. Discover now