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As the party buzzed with excitement, Yoongi sat comfortably at the bar, sipping his drink. The dim lights and loud music created a lively atmosphere, but Yoongi preferred observing to join in.

Meanwhile, Jimin stood next to Taehyung, who was deep in conversation with Jungkook.

"Come on, Jungkook, let's dance!" Taehyung exclaimed, nudging Jungkook playfully as they made their way to the centre of the room.

Jimin watched them go with a smile, feeling a pang of loneliness as he remained by himself. Soon, a group of classmates and seniors noticed Jimin standing alone and approached him with curious expressions.

Some had curious expressions, while others wore judgmental smirks.

"Hey, Jimin, how's it going?" one of his classmates asked casually.

"Hey, I'm good. Enjoying the party." Jimin greeted them warmly, hoping for some friendly conversation.

One senior, known for being straightforward, spoke up.

"So, Jimin, what's it like coming from a less wealthy family? Must be tough, right?"

Jimin felt a bit uneasy at the direct question. He knew his family wasn't as rich as some others, but he hadn't expected to be asked about it like this.

"Yeah, it has its challenges," Jimin replied cautiously, trying to keep things light.

Another senior joined in, sounding condescending.

"I heard you're on a scholarship. Isn't it embarrassing, relying on scholarships while the rest of us can afford everything?"

Jimin felt a mix of embarrassment and frustration. He knew he had worked hard for his achievements, including the scholarship that helped him attend this university. But facing criticism from his peers hurt.

"I work hard for everything I have," Jimin defended himself, trying to stay composed despite feeling uncomfortable.

The classmates exchanged knowing looks, some smirking as they continued to make insensitive remarks about Jimin's financial situation. Jimin felt increasingly isolated and vulnerable.

As Jimin tried to deflect the insensitive comments from his classmates, he felt a sinking feeling in his chest. The barbs about his financial status struck deeper than he cared to admit.

Jungkook and Taehyung exchanged concerned glances, sensing Jimin's discomfort.

One of the seniors, emboldened by the reaction, leaned in closer, his tone mocking.

"Hey, Jimin, did you have to save up for that outfit? It looks like it."

"Look, it's none of your business." Jimin clenched his fists, trying to remain composed despite the rising anger and hurt.

But the classmates seemed intent on pushing Jimin's buttons, enjoying the discomfort they were causing. Another one chimed in,

"I bet you can't even afford half the things we do. How do you even survive here?"Jimin felt a wave of frustration and humiliation wash over him. He had never felt so exposed and vulnerable.

His classmates' words echoed in his mind, intensifying his insecurities about his background.

The remarks from his classmates continued, growing more hurtful and personal. Jimin tried to brush them off, but their words lingered in his mind, affecting his mood.

As Jimin stood there, trying to brush off the hurtful remarks from his classmates about his financial status, Taehyung and Jungkook returned from the dance floor, their expressions darkening as they caught wind of the situation.

"What's going on here?" Taehyung asked sharply, his voice cutting through the murmurs of the group.

Jungkook's eyes narrowed as he took in the tense atmosphere around Jimin. "Why are you guys giving Jimin a hard time?"

One of the seniors, realizing they had crossed a line, attempted to diffuse the situation.

"Uh, we were just kidding around, you know?"

Taehyung's demeanour turned icy as he stepped closer, his stance intimidating.

"Kidding around? That didn't sound like a joke to me. Apologize to Jimin."

The classmates exchanged uneasy glances, realizing they had angered someone they shouldn't have. They knew Taehyung's family was influential and wealthy, and the mention of Yoongi being related added another layer of apprehension.

"Sorry, Jimin," one of them mumbled, barely meeting Jimin's eyes.

"Louder and clearer, so everyone can hear." Taehyung's voice was firm.

The apologies came in a rush, each classmate hurriedly expressing regret for their insensitive remarks. Taehyung and Jungkook stood protectively by Jimin's side, their presence a clear warning to anyone else who might consider mocking him.

Satisfied that the message had been received, Taehyung nodded once.

"Good. Now, watch your words next time."

The classmates nodded eagerly, eager to retreat from the tense confrontation. They dispersed quickly, leaving Jimin feeling a mix of relief and lingering discomfort.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook placed a reassuring hand on Jimin's shoulder.

"Yeah, thanks. I'm okay." Jimin managed a small smile, grateful for his friend's support.

Taehyung's expression softened as he glanced at Jimin.

"Don't let them get to you, Jimin. They're not worth your time."

Jimin nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude towards Taehyung and Jungkook. Despite the unpleasant encounter, he knew he had friends who cared about him and had his back.

Just then, Jin and Namjoon approached, sensing the tense atmosphere. "Hey, what's going on here?" Jin asked, his voice laced with concern.

Namjoon scanned the group and asked.
"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." Jimin managed a weak smile, grateful for his friend's support.

As Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, and their classmates had a heated argument, Yoongi sat quietly at the bar. Despite the lively party around him, he couldn't ignore the drama nearby. Yoongi preferred watching over joining in, and he noticed how Taehyung and Jungkook stood up for Jimin.

Yoongi usually kept to himself, which made people think he didn't care, but he saw everything. He saw Jimin looking uncomfortable and his friends stepping in to help.

Taehyung and Jungkook's support for Jimin didn't go unnoticed by Yoongi. He sensed the tension in the air as apologies were reluctantly given and the classmates backed off. Yoongi's face stayed calm, but inside, he understood what was happening.

Even though Yoongi usually stayed out of things, he appreciated Taehyung and Jungkook for being good friends to Jimin. He quietly returned to his drink, staying in the background while Jimin and his friends oversaw the situation.

"They need to learn the lesson" Yoongi whispered to himself in a deep and angry voice.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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