Chapter 6: The unexpected message.

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Chapter 6: The unexpected message.

While Elmer was taking his lunch in the school canteen his phone rang and he saw a message from an unknown account or number. He looked at the message to see where or who it came from, but there was no name, only the phone number.

The message says "I want you to stay away from Kiara you entitled kid, if you dont then i will do it myself no matter what, this is your warning.. if you don't believe me then you will see" he was confused so he showed the message to his friend.

"Oh no this guy is so annoying," his friend Mark said. "Why? Who is this person?" Elmer replied. "It's Jeff, he used to have a crush on Kiara but he was rejected. Whoever gets near her well, you will receive a death threat from him and you know what's funny, he won't even fight back if you confront him. But he will ask his friends to beat you up." His friend replied. "Dont worry about it, I know what he looks  like, he keeps looking at me, '' Elmer replied. "Do you want to do something?" Mark asked. "Not yet, I am testing him on how he will react. Ima go to Kiara's workplace." He replied.

He left the canteen pretending that he's clueless. When he arrived at the second floor of his building he then heard footsteps so he hid himself. Jeff then approached the dean's office wondering where Elmer was, then a hand grabbed him.

"You thought sending me threats can keep me away from the girl that I loved? I knew that you were following me Jeff and there's no denying that." Elmer said. "You're lucky she accepted you, you bastard!"Jeff replied. "Why are you mad about it? Was it my fault that you got rejected?! Don't blame me, blame yourself, you force your ideology onto other people and you act like a boss even though you're not!." Elmer replied.

Jeff tried to punch Elmer but he dodge it and pinned Jeff to the ground.

"The only reason that you got accepted is by luck, you manipulate people you are too good at that she accepted you! I am the boss here, I should be accepted" Jeff replied. "Really jeffy? If everyone fears you and gives you the title of "BOSS" why did Kiara reject you?" Elmer asked.  "Because.. She doesn't care about anyone?" He answered. "It's because of your mindset Jeff but it's okay if you get rejected you'd get stronger." Elmer replied.

Elmer let go of him, Jeff then gave him an intense stare and ran away from him, Mark then appeared near the dean's office.

"Why did he ran away from here?'' Mark asked his friend. "Well I pinned him to the ground and had a bit of talking, I let him go and gave me an intense stare." Elmer replied. "We should not underestimate him, that won't be the last time we see him." Mark replied.

Mark went inside the classroom to sleep while Elmer visited Kiara in the library to talk about Jeff. Elmer arrived at the library and saw Kiara not doing anything and not busy, Kiara then approached him.

"Hi! Is it free time?" Kiara asked. "Yes actually and I wanna talk about someone." Elmer replied. "Who?" Kiara asked. "Jeff, that one dude with curly hair, the one who pretends to be a boss around here, the one that everyone feared." Elmer replied. "Oh him? Hmp back then before 2024 started Jeff started doing things like leaving flowers on my table which I tossed into the garbage bin, Jeff also started doing things that I am not comfortable with." Kiara replied. "What things?" Elmer replied. "Things like touching me for bi reason with no consent, stalking me even in my own home and on social media." Kiara replied. "Come with me Kiara, we'll eat dinner together."

After their dismissal the two then went to a fast food restaurant and ate there, the two were enjoying their meals, they also talked about their future with each other. After they were done the two split ways and went to their homes.


It's been months since the last death threat has been sent Jeff hasn't been bothering the two couples, Kiara and Elmer have been living like  a real couple. Kiara would often sleep in Elmer's house and Elmer would often sleep in Kiara's house. It's been two months since they received a threat from Jeff. But it was all wrong.

Elmer received a message from the very same number that was used to send the last threat. This time it was a different text.

"Break up with her Elmer. I don't care if you reach 2 months. This is my second warning to Elmer…I am also watching." the text said.

Elmer then ignored it and put away his phone to tell Kiara about it.

"Kiara Jeff sent me another threat. This guy is really obsessed with you, ey? Elmer said. "We need to do something to stop him. Maybe send him to a mental hospital." Kiara replied. "No, we're not doing that. Let's approach him gently, we should not escalate this situation." Elmer said.


The two arrived at the school and went to their department building, they saw Jeff standing in the hallway waiting for them staring at them with so much anger in his eyes.

"Why wont the two of you break up?" Jeff asked. "Jeff, it's been a long time since Kiara rejected you. Why not give up already?" Elmer said. "Why would i? I wanted her to be mine. Elmer just gave her to me and we're done!" Jeff said in an arrogant tone. "Jeff! Just stopping isn't worth it anymore! Nothing could keep us apart, we're lovers now you should stop doing this' ' Kiara replied in an angry tone. "You know.. you're not mature enough to have a girlfriend and I am being honest here." Elmer said.

Jeff stared at them with pure anger in his eyes, he tried to punch Elmer but was stopped by Elmer, it was then followed by "Stop. It's not worth it anymore" from Elmer. Jeff then proceeded to his respective classroom with an upset look on his face. The two split ways into their respective classrooms.


Elmer planned to exit the school on the back gate, the two agreed to go there. They went there and the guard let them pass through the gate.  When the was in the middle of walking towards a nearby convinient store, they saw someone holding a gun, he's face is covered by the helmet and he was wearing black clothing.

They tried to avoid the man with a gun. It tried to shoot Kiara but Elmer was hit three times in the back making his health critical. The man with the gun ran away using his motorcylcle. Kiara cried harder and harder hoping for Elmber to wake up. Elmer then uttured the words "Jeff was watching us" before loosing consiousness.

The locals have called an ambulance for Elmer and checked the cctv cameras around the area. Elmer's mother, and his friends heard this news and visited the emergency room he was in, Kiara begged the doctors to do everything they can in order to save his lover.

She swore that she will protect him, till the last breath..

                       To Be Continued

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