Chapter 7: The death of the forbidden couple..

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Chapter 7: The death of the forbidden couple..

Kiara's POV:
"My world went dark when Elmer got shot from his back, the old me returned when I failed to protect him. Me and her mother tried everything we could to make money to save him but nothing worked. He has been unconscious for the past six days after he got shot.

I cried and cried everyday when i see him still in that hospital bed, it hurt my heart so bad that i even tried to commit suicide, but something or someone is telling me not to.

One day while working on a book something crossed my mind, it was the idea of selling copies of my book that i wrote about my past and other of my stories. Elmer's mother and I worked so hard to save elmer.


It has been two months since he was shot in the back with a gun and being in a coma. Me and Elmer's mother were still working for him, our business started blooming, we told our buyers our story and who we were doing it for.. then a miracle happened a company partnered with us. We asked them why.

The company told us that our story got their attention and wanted to establish a partnership with us, their product was also the same as us making books and publishing them. The company helped us with our books, giving us more readers and buyers of our books that we made.

It started from worse than it evolved really fast, many people have been wanting to read our books. We were making half of the money needed to get him out of the hospital.

We worked for weeks, and weeks, and weeks until we received bad news....

"Miss Kiara Montenor, your boyfriend Elmer Eskudio has unfortunately passed away... we did everything we could but nothing worked.

The air changed to cold, my world turned even more darker and cold.. and it stopped moving. Memories of memories started returning, the fact that i failed my job as a girlfriend

Was I not deserving of him?Was it not enough?What did I do to deserve this?Why did he leave me here? Tell me, Tell me!

Elmer's Mother Pov:
Kiara was gone.. after we received the news that elmer passed away. Kiara has been acting depressed like imprisoning herself in her room, crying all day, and hurting herself.

She took her own life without me knowing it, becouse of depression. I wanted to approach a therapist, i tried it but every attempt is a fail.. she would pull something then kill me with it.

We got the killer who killed Elmer. It was a person named "Jeff Nelors" he was then sent to prison for the case of murder and illegal possession of firearms. We informed his friends about this and they were mad about it.

I also paid for the couple's burial. The death of these two still hurts after 2 years.. my world is still healing from those scars that jeff left on my heart..

The end

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