The Underground

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After telling the news to Piper, Lincoln was escorted by her and Katrina to a tall building with multiple floors that had either business offices, apartments, and/or restaurants and the ground floor had a large lobby, a coffee shop, and a pizza and wings restaurant.

"Wow, never been here before." Lincoln said.

"Yeah it's impressive, there's even a couple of restaurants around nearby but it's all just a front to hide the real main base of the Underground yet we all take advantage of the building above." Katrina said.

"Let me guess, the Underground is actually underground?"

"Yep, back then during the early age of the Underground someone decided to take the name literal."

"Come on, let's show you where the magic happens."

The three of them entered the lobby where Lincoln can see some crazy security measures such as cameras, security gates, and armed guards in body armor and they walked towards a receptionist and Katrina and Piper discretely showed them some kind of ID badge with a symbol of a shield with crossed bullets on it but then the receptionist looked at Lincoln.

The three of them entered the lobby where Lincoln can see some crazy security measures such as cameras, security gates, and armed guards in body armor and they walked towards a receptionist and Katrina and Piper discretely showed them some kind of...

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"Where's his ID?"

"He's a new apprentice I'm taking in and I'm trying to get one for him today." Katrina said.

"Oh I see, go ahead."

The receptionist then buzzed them in through on of the security gates in front of a door and Lincoln followed Katrina and Piper as they walked the halls and entered an elevator down. After a couple of seconds, Lincoln noticed that the elevator began to descend at a faster rate until it began to slow down after a couple of minutes for they reached a floor deep underneath the building.

"Honestly thought they would put some music in the elevator but anyways, feast you eyes for the central base for the Underground we like to call "the Hub".

They got out of the elevator and Lincoln was flabbergasted from what he sees. The Hub was twice the size of the lobby and possibly bigger when he sees some large hallways leading out to somewhere and the Hub itself was nothing he seen before. It was like a giant terminal station with a lot of seats around and multiple people working to help out as many of the other people that were also there in the Hub and there were two staircases leading up to a second and third floor and both were filled with either library shelves and/or filing cabinets.

"Now as you can see, there are a lot of hunters but the ones keeping the place stable are the workers who provide any necessary service to assist them in the field such as information, equipment, tactical gear, weapons, technology, r&d, and many more. The workers are everywhere even have shops available in public places in plain sight like the building above or the mall or in the middle of town and we have a unspoken rule of never mess with the workers and also Judge is in charge of everything and oversees everyone." Katrina said.

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