Training and Bonding

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*The next morning*

"Alright, I'm off to do my morning jog!" Lynn said.

"Just be careful!" Rita said.

Before Lynn could run out the door, she nearly bumped into Piper with a small duffel bag and was about to knock the front door.

"Woah, easy there Lynn." Piper said.

"Piper, sorry about that. What brings you here?"

"I had free time and my mom's busy with work so I came to hang out with Lincoln."

"Again? You seemed suspiciously close to my brother."

"What can I say, after getting to know each other a bit we became good friends."

"Well alright then, I should be off. Lincoln's room is upstairs and the last one at the end of the hall on your right."


Lynn heads off to for her morning jog while Piper heads upstairs to Lincoln's room.

"Hey, you'd get the call last night?"

"Yeah, I have a plan on how I can develop my body enough to prepare for training so that I'm not out of shape."

"What, you plan to ask your sister Lynn to train you if I didn't came along to help."

"I was going to ask her regardless, but unlike her, I don't expect you to hold back."

"Alright, bring your paintball gun and we can train in your backyard if that's alright."

"Eh it's fine, come on."

*Cuts to the backyard*

"Alright Lincoln, now I set up a couple of targets and I want you to shoot them."

"Didn't we see my shooting skills yesterday?"

"Yes but that was with a pistol, let's see if you can handle something bigger but this is just practice before we get to the real thing."

Piper opens her duffel bag to reveal a couple of small training equipment but after digging through it a bit, she pulled out a First Strike T15 paintball gun and hands it to Lincoln.

"Go ahead and try it out but try not to break it."

"I hear ya."

Lincoln then inspects the gun and cocks it before taking his aim to hit the targets accurately while on full-auto.

"I really thought you would miss at least once or twice with the full-auto."

"Guess, I'm just a little different. What's next?"

"Do it again but after you run out of ammo, switch to your pistol and do it as fast and as accurate as you can."

"I can do that."


"Alright, second round."


They turned around and sees Luna running out of the house with Rita, Lucy, Lana and Lola next to her.

"... I forgot that your family was still home."

"... So did I. Hey guys, what's going on?"

"What's going on is that we hear a bunch of very loud noises and thought that it was Lisa but she's at some kind of conference and then we realized that it was you in the backyard with a gun alongside with some stranger." Luna said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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