First Possession

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Tw: Violence, f-slur, homophobia, cannibalism, just saying it gets fucked up here. 


Vincent wiped sweat off of his brow as he shut the door behind the last people to walk out of the church. Even with his trust that Rody wouldn't do anything to alert people of his presence he still couldn't trust him. He was a demon after all. He walked to the kitchen. Double checking that there was no evidence of whatever Rody did last night. It seemed he did a deep clean of it. It didn't stop Vincent's suspicion though. He would make that demon help him clean the rest of the church. Maybe he could get to places Vincent couldn't. Other benefits to summoning him. Even if he was turning into some kind of nuisance. Vincent reached into his pocket and grabbed his key ring as he approached the basement door. He heard some small shuffling from below before he stuck the key in the lock. He opened the door slowly. Seeing no sign of Rody. "You can..." 

"FREEDOM!" Rody dashed out, nearly knocking Vincent over. Before face planting into the wall with a solid grunt. "You idiot, you should know better than to do that. You could've left a dent in the wall." Vincent shouted as Rody peeled back away from it. Revealing the wall was just fine. He rolled his eyes. "Even if I did dent it I could easily fix it." Rody replied as Vincent growled, narrowing his eyes and crossing his arms. "Well if you have that mind set, you can help me clean the church." Vincent said as he began to walk over towards the dining hall. "Wait what?!" Rody exclaimed as he followed him. "The deal was I keep trespassers away from the property, and get to live here for the time being. Not clean the damn place and do repairs." Rody complained as Vincent opened the janitor's closet. "Well you already have been cleaning, and doing repairs even when unprompted so not much difference." Vincent replied. "Well that's because I'm still doing my end of the deal. I shouldn't have to..." Rody shut up as soon as duster was thrown at his face.

"You can clean the ceiling, alongside dusting any of the pillars since you can levitate." Vincent said as he pulled out a vacuum. He heard a growl from Rody. Vincent looked back to see the whites of his eyes turning black. As steam began to appear from his nostrils. Vincent reached over to the sash he had recently added before pulling out his crucifix and holding it in front of Rody. Rody immediately stopped growling and started hissing as he curled into a ball on the ground. "You will clean the ceiling, and the decorative pillars, or so help me Rody I will lock you in the room full of crucifixes do you understand?" Vincent shouted as Rody covered his eyes with his hands. Vincent continued to hold the crucifix over him. To the point he was even leaning over him. "Alright, alright, I'll clean just put that damn thing away." Rody said as Vincent stood back up straight. A small smirk made it to his face as Rody shakily stood back up. Vincent placed the crucifix back in his sash. Hiding it from Rody's sight before unwinding the cord of the vacuum and bringing it to the nearest outlet. It gave Vincent a sense of power knowing how he could bend Rody to his will with a single item. It also finally got him to be quiet. Something Vincent could say had not happened in the week since he had summoned him. Though it was a miracle that Rody somehow found some way to pacify himself while locked in the basement. Vincent made his way back to the vacuum, but before he could turn it on a knock came at a pair of doors. 

Vincent looked up at Rody who just shrugged. He appeared to be equally as dumbfounded. Rody slipped back down behind the pole away from the window. Placing the duster on the floor before slithering back up to the ceiling as Vincent walked up to the door his heart pounding as he reached for the knob. He could hear Rody shuffling closer just in case. Did a member forget something? Was it another person wanting to break in? Vincent slowly opened the door to reveal a group of six teenagers. They looked as if they meant no harm. All of them were also holding odd equipment that put Vincent on edge. "May I help you?" Vincent asked in his usual serious tone. No matter what these teens intentions were he would not show weakness. That's how you get killed according to everything he was taught. "Excuse us pastor, but we've been noticing paranormal activity happening around your church and we were wondering if we could investigate?" One of the teens asked. Vincent assumed he was the youngest. He was the shortest and had a baby face. Bright big brown eyes that paired with his brown hair and freckles. He looked familiar to Vincent. Though he could not pinpoint where he had seen him. "Pardon?" Vincent asked, faking confusion. "Well we've heard from some friends that the church is haunted, and we want to do an investigation. It won't take long." The same boy replied. Vincent scanned over their faces. They all had this childish joy to them. It unnerved him to say the least. Looking at the equipment it seemed legitimate, and Even if the equipment didn't work Vincent didn't want to risk picking up Rody. Even if they could see him. 

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