A Way Out

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 A puff of smoke emerged from his lips as he stared at Rody. They had moved to the kitchen with Rody sitting across from him. A nervous expression plastered on his face as he twiddled his thumbs. Vincent was waiting for his answer. He needed them now. No more sugar coating or ignoring it. Rody let out a sigh. "I'm going to have to tell you everything, aren't I?" He asked sadly Vincent nodded. Rody sat up straight as he closed his eyes. He took in a deep breath before staring right at Vincent. Pools of red making contact with pools of deep brown. 

"Unsurprisingly like most demons I was once an angel. The angel I was fighting is my ex-girlfriend Manon." Vincent raised a brow. He figured Rody had definitely gotten a few people at some point. Though based on the few seconds he saw that angel he was minorly impressed Rody managed to pull someone as pretty as her. Rody raised a brow. "You seemed surprised." Rody said as Vincent took another drag from his cigarette. "I'm honestly surprised you pulled someone at all." Rody scoffed. "I've had more exes than just her, but she's the one I was in a relationship with the longest. I was head over heels for her. Though that would end our relationship as I would spoil her. Almost everything I did was for her, and from her perspective I was throwing everything away for her. She just couldn't watch me do it, so she broke up with me. While I still do care for her, I've mostly moved on from her. Even tried dating a few demons after I fell. Though nothing ever really worked out." Rody explained as Vincent nodded. To him it seemed they both didn't want to harm each other. After all, it seemed to take them a ridiculous amount of time to fire a blast. They were so slow that he was even able to interfere. Though he still had many questions. 

"Manon mentioned something about the antichrist? What exactly did she mean by that?" Vincent said as Rody sighed. "Yeah about that. That's actually what led to me falling. You see I didn't understand at the time why she had broken up with me, and I was still really into her. I wanted to prove how much I loved her by doing something grand, and what's more grand than making a new soul. While it's mostly up to God A few angels had created other things such as animals, but almost none had really created human souls. I overheard a few people complaining about how things were down here on Earth. Even some people mentioned they needed another messiah. So I stepped up to the challenge, in secret. You had to get permission in order to create human souls, and I didn't do that because I knew I would get rejected so I did it in secret and I succeeded except..." "You created the antichrist and it's somewhere out here ready to doom us all." Vincent interrupted but Rody shook his head. "It never made it to Earth. I was caught before I could even deliver it." Now Vincent's interest was incredibly peaked. He knowingly made the antichrist and was about to send it to Earth. "You were going to deliver it knowing the harm it would cause." Rody sighed. 

"No it's not..." He ran a hand as far as he could through his hair before his arm got caught on his horns. "What I created wasn't good, but it was evil either. It was somewhere in the middle. The only problem was that it was a divine being, but nothing like Jesus. It didn't look human but I knew if I sent it down to Earth it would take on a human form and would help from there. Yet as I said beforehand I was caught, and of course other angels tried to kill it. The problem was it wouldn't die. They tried everything. Blasts, weapons, hellfire, nothing worked." Now Vincent was interested. This being could've been another savior and Heaven didn't want it out. Why not raise it. Use it as a weapon against Hell. "So what did they do with it?" Vincent asked. "Comatose it. As far as I am aware it hasn't grown either. It's still in the form of an infant." A bit of disgust boiled in Vincent. They were trying to kill a baby. One that was alive and well. One that they could harness for greatness, or treat like an average citizen. "Do you regret making it?" Vincent asked Rody shook his head. "No. If anything I wanted to send it to Earth, but can't really do that now. Maybe one day I can at least save it, but for now I have to live with the fact that I made something and everybody wants it dead." Vincent hummed. So there was no antichrist. Yet. Maybe one day one will pop up but for now there was no such thing. Though a divine entity in the middle peaked his interest. It made him wonder what it would do if it was let loose. Would it bring about the end of the universe? Or maybe would it make it a better place? He guesses he'll never know the answer to that. Though there is another question he had in his mind. 

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