Chapter Four- Wylan

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I sat in front of my desk, sketching away, oblivious to the fact that my little sister had snuck in and gotten a hold of my old notebook until I heard a loud ripping sound

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I sat in front of my desk, sketching away, oblivious to the fact that my little sister had snuck in and gotten a hold of my old notebook until I heard a loud ripping sound. I thought I had stopped breathing for a second.

"It's not my fault," were the first words Ty said before dropping it and running out of the doorway. I sighed, picking it up, and cursing under my breath.

She had torn a photo that I had bound after a nice long trip I took to Australia.

I began taking it off the binding as my phone rang. To my advantage, I knew where my parents hid cell phones.

Farah's name appeared on the screen. What does she want now?

I picked up quickly, holding it between my ear and shoulder as I went back to work on the notebook. "Hey Farah," I began.

She was squealing about something on the other end, but I was too into the task to pay much attention to what she was saying.

"So are you ready for tomorrow evening?" she asked giddily.

Oh snap, crackle, and pop, "I forgot to ask my dad." In addition, my mom grounded me and confiscated my car keys. "I can't go, Farah." I could feel her pout growing in intensity.

"Why not?" she asked flatly, and then I could feel the eye roll. Take a wild guess why not. My dad is Wesley Olson and my mother is Waylin Olson, do I seriously need any other reason?

"I got grounded, and I'm about to kill Ty. Mainly because I got grounded and my car keys were taken into custody."

She sighed loudly, and I knew in that moment what her intentions were. "Wy, why do you always manage to get grounded when I need you? Never mind, let's focus on how to get you out tonight," she whined.

If someone caught me, I would die. Nevertheless, I heard her out.

"Alright, so tomorrow is your birthday, can't you just ask your mom if you can stay the night at my house? I mean we are best friends."

I pondered how to put it into words. "You know how it is with Mom, Farah. If she grounds you, she makes sure that couldn't imagine what fun felt like."

It was true too. Though my mother was loving and sweet, she made sure that you felt repercussions if you violated her rules. Nothing fun was allowed. You just ate, slept, and worked.

My father on the other hand was just hard to pin down. His mood depended heavily on the day.

"Wylan," I heard him scream from the hallway.

I sat up, brushing my t-shirt off to smooth out the wrinkles in it.

"Yes sir?" I answered meeting him at the door. He had on a large woven hat and a cut off shirt. He must have been cutting grass before his grand entrance per the grass stained overalls.

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