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To his surprise, Changbin stood up and walked over to the window, presumably wanting to let everything he just got to know sink in. He stood there for a couple seconds, not turning his head before muttering out.   " I need some air. "  And leaving the room.

Once Changbin is out of view Wooyoung turns to San with a glare. " What the hell are you doing??? " Wooyoung asks, San's response, surprised the younger, as San leaned in and kissed Wooyoung.

Wooyoung makes a muffled noise of surprise and gasp, but his right hand involuntarily snake around to the back of San's neck to hold him close as they deepen the kiss.

Thank god Changbin seems unaware of what is currently happening.

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" Thank god I got out of there. " Changbin breaths out once he closed the door and entered the hallway, leaning his back against the wall.

" No because they're actually worse than prepubescent teens. " Changbin complains quietly to himself with a crossover groan and sigh as he prances back and forth throughout the entire hallway.

For your information and to Wooyoung's dismay;  Changbin. Did infact. See AND hear. What was currently happening. And Changbin decided to leave before he'd witness something made only for a certain black and orange website people often go incognito mode when using..

And If Wooyoung wasn't popping a boner earlier he was for sure doing it now.

San had previously pulled him to straddle his lap, one of San's hands holding Wooyoung's hip while the other placed on Wooyoung's waist as they lazily made out. Wooyoung had his arms draped over San's shoulders and he was blushing furiously at the thought of being caught by Changbin.

If Wooyoung was gonna be honest though, the thought excited  him. He enjoyed public intimacy (to a certain degree) and whatever was going on with San and him was certainly pleasing and arousing for him.

" Don't tell me you're actually horny right here now right now? " Wooyoung murmurs in San's lips, and San coldly chuckles in reaction to Wooyoung's words.

" I'm not horny, I just wanted to kiss you. " San murmurs after a few kisses and sucks on Wooyoung's lower lip, San's tongue pushes inside Wooyoung's mouth and connects with the other. San and Wooyoung's tongue twirls and dances together as Wooyoung's body presses further against San, their bodies moulding into one.

San was far too lost in the mix of hot chocolate and Wooyoung's saliva to even care about the fact that he was having legitimately having thoughts of just kissing Wooyoung. Not fucking Wooyoung. Just plain . kissing . Wooyoung.
He'd never once kiss anyone without having dark or sinful intentions. This was unnatural for San, and Wooyoung was making him feel things he shouldn't and doesn't want to.

Wooyoung breaks the kiss to breathe and San trailed his lips down Wooyoung's neck - mouthing at the hickeys he'd left the day earlier when he'd had his way with Wooyoung.
" Are you guys done? " Changbin calls out into the room and Wooyoung's face flushed even more red if that was even possible as now it was obvious that Changbin caught them and knew what they were doing.

" Just get back in here. " Wooyoung called back out, trying to crawl off San's lap once he heard Changbin rounding the corner and returning to the room.

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