Chapter 3 - Festivities

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'...' internal thoughts/monologue

"..." dialogue

"Kocho is going to kill me," Giyu groaned internally.

He knew that he and Shinobu couldn't just sleep in the same futon like it was nothing, they are merely friends, and have a brother-sibling dynamic at best, but it would be very scandalous for them to sleep in the same futon.

Giyu decides that he should ask the innkeeper for an extra futon as he was pretty sure they must have one lying around but as he walks towards the door to exit the room there's a knock.

It was Shinobu.

Giyu opens the door and Shinobu can be seen with 2 bags, presumably the products of her shopping spree.

"Tomioka-san, look what I've brought!" she says as she holds the 2 bags up.

Shinobu enters the room, she's pretty content with the room, not too shabby but not too flashy.

"I couldn't decide which to buy between the two as I was feeling very festive you know? so I decided to buy them both, "she explained. It reminded Giyu of his sister when she was trying to decide which yukata to wear for the engagement party.

2 kimonos were on the table, a blue kimono with intricate flower patterns on it, and a purple one that also had flower patterns just in different places.

"They're both so beautiful, but I can't decide which one to wear, Tomioka-san, which of the two would I look best in?" She asked Giyu hoping for a good answer.

Giyu's Pov.

She's asking me for advice on which kimono to wear? The blue kimono does look good but something is making me want to pick the purple one, I don't know why as in my opinion she would probably look better in the blue.kimono.

"The purple kimono might work." I decided to go for the purple one, I don't know why I picked the purple kimono over the blue one, but something which I do not know of inclinded me to give the purple kimono a try.

"And what will be of the blue kimono?" she asks me

I forgot that there was another kimono, but she could give that kimono to Kanao or Aoi, depending on who wants it.

"You can give it to Kanao or Aoi" I tell her

"Okay, I'll give it a try." She replies.

Shinobu looks for a room to change in but realizes that there isn't

"Tomioka-san, there isn't a room I can change in, and though we are friends, I would much rather have you turned around while I'm changing, so could you turn around for a moment?" She asks Giyu politely.

Giyu immediately turns around without saying a word

"Now now, you aren't fooling anybody by immediately turning around Tomioka-san, I know you must have an urge to turn around, but if you do It won't end very well for you." She adds, her voice definitely tells Giyu she doesn't have any good intentions.

Giyu can hear the rustling of clothes as Shinobu is changing behind him, The rustling stops for a moment but then more rustling can be heard, meaning that she had just taken all of her clothes off and had been naked for a brief few moments.

"You can turn around now." Shinobu said, but the tone she said it in had a hint of nervousness.

Upon seeing Shinobu in the kimono Giyu realized that the purple kimono would actually look better on shinobu then the blue one, he also figured out why he was so inclined to pick the purple kimono over the blue one in the first place

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