Chapter 7 - Aftermath

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Giyu had woken up from his deep slumber, In fact, he felt quite well-rested. The Water Hashira looked outside the balcony and could see that the sun had just begun to rise, filling the sky with beautiful streaks of orange and yellow.

"Beautiful. Am i right" Giyi heard a voice behind him. He looked over his shoulder and could see that Shinobu was standing right behind him, her knee almost reaching the top of his head.

"And how might you be feeling Tomioka-san?" She gave him a perplexed look.

Giyu merely shrugged his shoulders, Shinobu could only guess he was doing alright.

"Ara-Ara, it would be nice if you could learn how to have genuine conversations you know?" she responded to his coldness with a chuckle.

Giyu gave it some thought. He realized that he might have been coming off as rude if he kept staying silent. He realized that Shinbou had kept up with his stoic demeanor for the past year and a half so it would be fair to give her a response more often from now on.

"I am feeling fine." He replied.

Shinobu responded with a chuckle, "Well this is a start.... Although it would be nice if you put a slight bit of emotion into your words Tomioka-san." She had suggested.

Giyu just remained silent, not even entertaining the thought.

"Are your wounds feeling better?" Giyu asked her. She had gotten a few nasty wounds which would've been life-threatening for an average 4'11ft woman but Shinobu was anything but average. She was extraordinary, Giyu thought to himself

"Oh yes, my wounds are feeling a bit better but speaking of my wounds. What did you do to bandage them up may I ask?"

'I had asked someone for bandages" Giyu replied plainly.

'I see but could you go into more detail? Such as how you bandaged me up?" Shinobu pressed. Giyu didn't know where this was going but he told her anyway.

"Well, I started by removing your haori and uniform, then I removed the piece of cloth that was around your chest as it was soaked in your blood. I then applied the bandages to your wounds. Is there something I may have done wrong related to the badges? Was it too tight or did I not apply enough of it?" Giyu questioned, he wasn't too sure why she was asking for the specifics but felt like he may have screwed up on the bandaging procedure.

An irk mark appeared on Shinobu's forehead. "Ara~ It seems as if you do not get it."

"Hmm?" Giyu was puzzled.

"Do you perhaps not see something wrong with what you did? Specifically the part where you completely removed the top half of my clothes which resulted in you seeing my breasts?" She asked him, a dark aura surrounded her.

"Oh' Was what the poor Water Hashira had managed to get out.

"Sigh Tomioka-san, I am not angry at you nor am I holding any grudges against you for that, I fact I am grateful for what you did as without you I would not have survived. However, I do want to let you know that you should respect a lady. You should have apologized the moment I had woken up, I get that you may be clueless on some things but these are one of the things that you should be well informed of" She trailed off.

"So... Now do you understand what you did wrong'?

"I deeply apologize if I had made you uncomfortable In the future I wi-" Giyu was cut off by Shinobu.

"A simple apology is enough Tomioka-san, no need to be formal about it, after all we are friends right? As long as you understand that what you have done is somewhat wrong then that's more than enough."

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