Sad Endings Happy Beginnings

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Nika POV

I was smiling at my phone as my potential doms were talking to me as I was getting ready for bed. We did this often especially once I started to get really comfortable with them.

I've been dating Jay and Beyoncé for about 9 months now. When we were 2 months in we had our first FaceTime call. 4 and a half months in, we met each other in person and from then on we've been inseparable. I soon started calling them by their dom names in little space, 'Daddy' and 'Mama,' after we met since I felt so comfortable with them.

Anytime I would miss them all I'd have to do is call or text then we would make a date to do something special. Or they would pick me up from my house or my college and we would spend some time together.

They have seen me in my little space a couple of times when we were together, especially when one day they took me to the park! But if I'm ever in my little space while we're on the phone they never hesitate to help me stay in it by talking with me all day if I wanted.

"Did you wash behind your ears?" Jay asked me in a funny voice.

"Yes Daddy!" I giggled as I was wrapping my hair in a messy bun.

"Did you wash between each and every one of your toes?" He asked with the same voice as before.

"Yes Daddy I did!" I giggled once again.

"Did you wash-" Jay started but I cut him off.

"Stoppppp!" I whined making Jay laugh.

"Baby leave her alone." Beyoncé said laying on Jay's chest.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door and went to answer it after telling my doms to wait a minute.

"Yes?" I opened the door to see it was my mother and father, "Oooh y'all look so cute!"

"We're about to leave Oni, we just wanted to say bye first." My mother stated before she opened her arms to me.

"Oh right! I hope y'all have fun on your date!" I hugged my mom and then my dad which he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you my cookie monster, I hope you enjoy your night." My dad smiled at me.

"Oh! You should say hi to Bey and Jay, i'm on the phone with them right now!" I ran back to the bathroom to get my phone before they could even say anything.

"Say hi to my parents!" I said in the camera before I showed them my parents.

They all exchanged their greetings as I was happily grinning standing to the side. My parents and doms have gotten along ever since they first met!

Soon my parents left and I was sitting on my bed talking with Beyoncé.

"Have you thought about everything you want to do tomorrow?" Beyoncé asked me referring to our date.

"I'm just really excited to try that one place for breakfast! The one where they put cereal on French toast?" I talked about excitedly.

"Right right, remember to send us the address by the time we come to pick you up. But what else are we gonna do?" Beyoncé questioned.

"I don't know... shop?" I asked unsure if that's what they wanted to do.

"Whatever you want to do my love." Beyoncé reassured making me smile.

"Maybe you should get ready to hit the bed Nika, we have a full day tomorrow and we don't want you being cranky." Jay told me making me feel a bit little, especially since I was already tired.

"But I wanna talk to Mama." I pouted hoping he would let me stay up.

"You can do that as your laying down don't worry, but it's wind down time right now okay?" Jay told me in a soft voice making me nod my head and agree.

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