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The newly throuple had spent 9 days of moving Nika in and adapting to their new profound everyday schedules.

Nika has been in her headspace the entire time but have had slight moments where she was big. She was holding in her feelings a lot, seeing how Beyoncé and Jay never seen her as sad as the first day she found out what happened to her parents. But they could understand why she wouldn't want to talk about it so they tried to keep her as happy as can be.

All parts of the throuple was home today and that's how it was going to stay. They were all so tired from the moving in and constantly moving around the past days, this would be their rest day.

Nika was walking around the house, exploring like she liked to call it. While Beyoncé and Jay were laid up in their bed.

Nika was first 'exploring' all around the bedroom, allowing Beyoncé to laugh at her as she kept saying "wow" and "ooh" to all of the shoes she had.

Then she started touring the rest of the 3rd floor, including her unfinished bedroom and playroom. She then went downstairs to the main floor. She skipped around the living room and hallways running her hands along the walls.

She turned the corner to go into the kitchen but as soon as she made it around the corner she heard something fall and make a loud crash.

She came back around the corner seeing an entire shelf fell over along with the few picture frames and a small plant in a vase that was on there.

"Nika?" Beyoncé called out making her frozen.

"Are you okay?" The voice was closer now and Nika panicked.

"I am! It's fine! Don't come down here!" Nika was trying to pick the shelf back up but she was too weak.

Nika didn't hear anymore voices but she did hear feet coming down the stairs. She hurried and ran away from the scene into one of the downstair closets.

Nika had never been punished by either Jay or Beyoncé but she was sure that her doing this would warrant one.

Beyoncé gasped and Jay put his hand in front of Beyoncé to stop her from walking any closer, "There's pieces of that vase on the floor babe, be careful."

Beyoncé quickly turned to Jay with a scared face, "What if Nika got hurt?"

"Go look for her while I clean this up." Jay told Beyoncé.

Beyoncé started walking around the different places where she thought Nika could be while softly calling her name.

She passed by the closet but then heard something rumble. She opened the closet to see Nika bunched up with all of the jackets.

"Oh Nika, come here baby. Why are you in the closet? Are you hurt?" Beyoncé questioned looking at Nika with a sorrowful look pulling her out of the closet.

"I'm sorry." Nika sniffled.

"It's okay baby it was an accident. You don't have to hide, we're not mad sweet girl. Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" Nika shook her head to the questions as she walked with Beyoncé to find Jay.

They passed where the incident was to see it all cleaned up and Nika was surprised. But she also felt bad someone had to clean up her mistake.

When they walked into the kitchen Jay was there and Nika got really nervous feeling like she was in trouble.

"Little Nika was in the closet hiding, just a tiny bit scared about what happened. Isn't that right baby?" Beyoncé spoke to Jay but asked and comforted Nika.

Nika nodded her head, "Sorry."

Clear as day, anyone could see how nervous Nika was. Jay didn't necessarily understand why because to him and Beyoncé the situation wasn't the hugest deal, especially since she didn't hurt herself.

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