Cries & Reconciles

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"I don't want that!" Nika threw the toy she had and it skidded across the floor.

"Nika." Jay took a huge breath before continuing, "You don't throw toys. That is very mean and is not good girl behavior. Go pick it up please." He pointed his finger in the path where the toy was sitting.

"No!" Nika yelled at Jay presenting a mean scowl on her face. She was sitting in the center of the floor in the living room as Jay was standing over her.

Beyoncé was sitting on the couch not completely knowing how or when to intervene. She was confused at Nika's behavior not knowing what set her off to act this way.

"I'm going to ask you nicely once more before you are punished Nika." Jay exclaimed about her being punished hoping that threat would cause her behavior to improve, "Please go pick up the toy that you threw."

"I said no!" Nika stomped her foot and crossed her arms.

"You're getting a timeout, come here." Jay grabbed Nika by her arm and started to lift her up.

Nika tried to fall out but Jay held his grip tight pulling her over to the stairs, "Sit down."

Nika shook her head stubbornly, "Do you want me to sit you down?"

His threat made Nika sit down on the step crossing her arms and looking away.

"You're gonna sit there for 10 minutes and do not get up before me or Mama says. While you sit, think about your behavior, and why you acted the way you did, and come up with an apology. Do you understand?"

"Yes." Nika spoke bitterly clearly having an attitude.

Jay walked away from her and towards Beyoncé on the couch. They sat there as Nika was in timeout speaking quietly to one another about why they thought Nika was acting that way.

"Nika stand up." Jay called after Nika's time was up. She did what he said but still clearly had her attitude.

"Nika go pick up the toy you threw and bring it here." Beyoncé said interrupting Jay what he was going to say, feeling the need to test her theory.

Nika jumped at the sound of Beyoncé's voice after expecting Jay's, "Yes Mama." Nika responded without any hostility or attitude laced in her voice or movements and she did exactly what Beyoncé said.

Nika was standing in front of Beyoncé with her arm extended and the toy she threw in her hand ready to give.

Beyoncé took the toy out of Nika's hand and looked her in the eye, "Because of your behavior of throwing your toy then being defiant of not picking it up, you will no longer have playtime today. Maybe this will allow you to think about your actions before you do them."

"Yes Mama, I sorry." Nika apologized to Beyoncé holding her head down with a pout.

"I'm not the one you need to be apologizing to." Beyoncé nodded her head to Jay.

Nika mean mugged him and gave a light growl. Beyoncé sat up and popped Nika on her thigh, "Hey! Be nice!"

"Mama! Ow!" Nika whined rubbing her thigh.

"Come here Nika." Jay reached his hands for her and Nika whined starting to push them away.

"What is wrong with you? Come here." Beyoncé took Nika's hand and pulled her to sit on her lap sideways.

"Why are you being so rude and mean to Daddy out of nowhere?" Beyoncé looked Nika in the eye and she could see tears starting to well up.

When she opened her mouth to speak only a sob came out, making both Beyoncé and Jay concerned about what was wrong with Nika.

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