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"Okay, yes Mama... Only if she wants to... Okay Mama bye... I'm not rushing you off the phone, I'm just cooking right now." Beyoncé tried to explain to her mother as Jay laughed starting their coffee and she mugged him.

"Bye Mom, I love you too." Beyoncé quickly hung up before she could slip on another word and sat her phone on the kitchen counter with a sigh.

"Next time help please, instead of laughing. You do that everytime!" Beyoncé complained to Jay.

"Now why would I try to help you knowing your mom will go upside my head like she was doing yours." Jay tried to hug Bey from behind but she playfully pushed him back.

"I'll make it up to you." Jay promised regaining his spot hugging Beyoncé from behind and kissing her neck.

"Will you?" Beyoncé smirked as Jay nodded his head and hummed against her neck, "And how are you going to do that?"

Jay nibbled at her neck making Beyoncé give a slight moan before pulling away, "A magician never tells his secrets."

"What was your mom saying before you rushed her off the phone." Jay chuckled seeing how flustered Beyoncé got when he accused her of rushing her mom off the phone.

"I didn't! You know what-" Beyoncé huffed out annoyed, "She said that both her and Gloria will be at her house today. And since the 2 weeks we asked for passed, they want to meet Nika like today."

"But our moms already met Nika?" Jay said confused as he poured the coffee into their respectable cups.

"According to her not officially, since Nika wasn't our little then. But I told her only if Nika wants too, which she probably will."

"Well I guess that's alright, I kinda hate that our moms were ganging up on you though." Jay sympathized passing Beyoncé her coffee but she wasn't bothered by it.

"It's oka-" Beyoncé started but was cut off by Jay's phone ringing.

"Sorry babe, it's my mom." Jay announced before answer the call, "Hel- Ma, she's sleeping... no I'm not gonna wake her up. You'll probably see her later today at Tina's house, I know you're gonna be up there."

As Jay got barged by his mom Beyoncé found this as her time to get back at Jay and laugh at him. He smacked her ass making her stick her tongue out at him.

Jay got off the phone and sighed, "It seems like Nika is gonna have a Grandma Day."

"Only if she wants to." Beyoncé slipped in making Jay nod his head.

"That's right babe, as long as she wants to."

Beyoncé had now fully understood the fact of Nika having her own choice and not her making them for her. Beyoncé was naturally maternal over her because Nika has pretty much been little since her incident so there was very short and vague moments of her being big occurring.

"Should I go wake her up?" Beyoncé was eager to see Nika this morning, as she is every morning.

"Yeah baby, just bring her down for breakfast. She can wash up afterwards." Jay told her and Beyoncé excitedly went up the stairs to get Nika.

Beyoncé lightly knocked on the door and called Nika's name. She sat on the bed which made Nika stir with a little whine,

"Goodmorning lovebug." Beyoncé said as she rubbed Nika's back.

She finally woke up at locked eyes with Beyoncé, "Hi baby! Are we feeling little today?"

Nika nodded in response, "How old are we baby?"

Nika held up the number 3 on her hand as she yawned, "Ooh baby that breath, let's go fix that right now come on." Beyoncé joked on Nika as she smelled her morning breath.

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