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"Nika are you excited? We're almost there." Beyoncé looked in the rear view at Nika smiling.

They were currently driving to Red Lobster so that Nika could meet their family. Including Kelly, Normani, Solange, Lauren, Rihanna, Chris, and Coi.

"Hmm... a little bit." Nika said not as enthusiastic Beyoncé or Jay would hope she was.

"Just a little bit?" Beyoncé asked with a small pout.

"I no know anybody there." Nika said innocently as she shrugged.

"That's why we're going baby, so you meet everyone. They're all your family." Jay said to Nika making her feel better when she heard the word, 'family.'

"Okay Daddy." Nika sat back with a small smile on her face.

"Mommy, Oscar come too?" Nika asked holding Oscar up by his pink arm making him visible.

"Yes baby, Oscar can come too. But he can't be on the table honey. And I don't want you holding him as you eat, Mommy will hold him for you." Beyoncé told her making Nika nod.

Walking into the restaurant hand in hand with her doms, Nika was beyond nervous. She was second guessing every choice she had made. She was wearing a pink top that had a white graffiti crown on the front and the word 'princess' written on the back. She had on a jean skirt that came above her knees to pair with it as well as matching pink sandals. Her hair was pulled up to a high bun with a white scrunchie surrounding it and gold studs in her ears.

She was afraid that she was wearing too much pink, and what if everyone didn't like the color pink? She really wanted her pacifier but remembered that she begged her doms to leave them at home. She didn't even want to imagine being bullied for having one. So Oscar would have to do for now, and she was even second guessing bringing him.

"They're here!" They heard a voice exclaim excitedly as soon as walked in.

Next thing Nika knew was that she was being brought into a bear hug with someone she didn't know.

"Lauren!" Solange called out for her little getting up from the table they were sitting at.

Beyoncé had already pulled Lauren off of Nika. Although it was all so sudden, Nika did appreciate the hug seeing how she was embraced by her now family. She recognized Lauren from pictures and she was exactly how Beyoncé and Jay described her. An excited and loving person, Nika could tell. She just didn't have the words to speak so.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart." Solange apologized for Lauren, tugging at her little's hand she was now holding.

"Sorry Onika. I just wanted to say hi." Lauren waved as a improved way of saying hi.

Nika waved back with Oscar in her hand, "It's okay. You can call me Nika."

Lauren gasped excitedly, "I have a monkey like that! She's green! Her name is Eleanor!"

"His name is Oscar!" Nika shared proudly easily coming out of her shell with Lauren,"Can I meet Eleanor?"

"Of course you can!" Lauren wiggled her hand from Solange and grabbed Nika's, "Come!"

"Excuse me Miss Lauren, where is my hug?" Beyoncé jokingly put her hand on her hip, no matter the occasion Lauren always greeted Beyoncé and Jay with a hug.

Lauren immediately let go of Nika's hand and hugged Beyoncé around her waist before doing the same to Jay, "Hi BeyBey! Hi JayJay!"

"Come on Nika!" Lauren took Nika's hand again and brought her over to the table that was close to the entrance luckily.

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