Separateness One | 1

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       No, no no no, this can't be happening!!!

       I can't believe it. I'm alone.

       Again and again and again, I turn around, searching the room, hoping that there's something I missed. A little vent, a hidden door, somewhere Six could be hiding.

       There isn't anything. There's no quick way out.

       ...Which means Six was never here.

       She's somewhere else. Maybe somewhere dangerous. She could be hurt or scared, waiting for me to find her.

       I told her I would be right next to her. She trusted me. I lied to her; I didn't mean to, but I still did. It still counts. Whatever happens to her is my fault. I said I would be there, and we'd find somewhere safe. How can we find somewhere safe if we aren't together!?

       Should I go back through the TV? Would that take me to the same place as her? Is it still safe? Does it matter, though? I don't care about myself as long as Six is safe!

       I run my fingers through my hair. My hands are shaky. I need to calm down. Panicking isn't going to help me find Six. Slowly, I breathe in and out, counting in my head. One, two, three. One, two, three.

       "Okay," I whisper. "It's okay, Mono. You're gonna find her. It's gonna be okay."

       I can fix it. If I figure out where I am and where Six is, I bet I can find a way back to her.

       I look back at the TV. When Six traveled through it, it started to smoke. None of the TVs I traveled through earlier did that, at least not that I could see. I'm not sure what was wrong with it, but that was definitely not normal. And those flashes of colors I reminds me of something that....

       A glitch.

       That's the word for it. A glitch. A mistake. Something that messes up TVs, and makes them stop working.

       If that's what happened to Six and I...she might be anywhere. Anywhere. She could be back at the Pale City or in the Wilderness. She could be somewhere we've never, ever been before, like lost in a desert or at the bottom of the ocean. I shake my head. She'll be somewhere where another TV is. A TV couldn't be in the middle of a desert or an ocean because it wouldn't work there, I think. Even though I don't know exactly how glitches work, I bet Six is nearby. We might be in the same area.

       All I have to do is find the other TV.

       And I can't do that unless I can get out of here.

       That's something I should focus on; something I can control. Okay, step one: get out of this room. Easy!

       I'm in a room with four walls, a ceiling, and a wooden floor. A tall, metal door is on one wall. It doesn't have a handle. There's also the TV, and a few suitcases - they look really heavy. I might be able to move them. easily noticeable exits. I'll have to look at everything again.

       The door won't move when I push it. There's no buttons or switches or levers.

       Most of the suitcases are too heavy. Two light-ish ones are the only things I'm strong enough to move.

       The TV has a button. Pressing it turns the TV on. A singing person appears on the screen. She has a big knife. I can't understand a lot of what she's saying, but I think I hear, "Oh no," which makes me shiver. I keep listening. Everything she says almost sounds like actual words.

Lost in Transmission - Little Nightmares AUWhere stories live. Discover now