Ch. 4

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I look out of my window and down to the street. Eric stands on the sidewalk in front of my house.

Oh... I don't want to go outside! He's going to hirt me worse than before, and it's Friday! So he could keep my at his house all weekend!! My parents would let him because I lied about what happened and they ungrounded me... they're gonna make me go to his house.

I watch out my window and see Eric go up to my door. I quietly run out of my room and to the stairs. I watch mom open the door and Eric stand at the entrance, smiling, from a distance. I stay out of sight, but I can see and hear them.

"Hello, Mrs. Stotch!" Eric says sweetly.

"Why, hello Eric. Are you looking for Butters?"

"No, actually, I was wondering if he could come to my house right now and stay for the weekend." No no no no no!

"Oh, well I don't know. He skipped school yesterday, we don't want him missing another day." Yes, please mom! "And we need him to make up for yesterday, so I don't think that it's a good weekend." Thank you mom! Thank you so much!

"Don't worry, Mrs. Stotch. I have work from yesterday and today. I can make sure that he gets all of his work done." No!

"Well... I guess we can make an exception, but just this one time." Aahhhhgghhgh!!!

I go back into my room and start moving to where I'm getting hurt from everything that happened yesterday. I almost start crying and I fall the the ground. I crawl away from the door and into a corner.

"Butters! Your friend Eric is hear!" I hear mom yell.

I find a voice and shakily speak. "I can't move!" I yell out. I hear footsteps come upstairs. The door opens and mom and Eric walk in.

"Butters!" Mom rushes over to me and helps me sit up. I cringe when she touches my back. She pulls off my shirt and looks at me. "Is this what you did yesterday? Ditch school to get into a fight?" I look down. I slightly look up and see Eric smirking. His smirking disappears after a second. "If you weren't going with your friend here for the weekend, you would be in so much trouble after school." Mom says.

She sits me up and completely wraps me up to where it doesn't hurt and I can move. I put my shirt back on.

"Now you go with Eric. You'll be staying eith him for the whole weekend. Here's some clothes, now get going." Mom urges me out the door with Eric.

The door slams shut and I whimper. I look at Eric and immediately start running. He just laughs as he walks and follows me.

Only when it's too late do I realize that I'm going towards his house, the opposite way I want to go. I loose feeling in my legs and I just stand still.

"Oh, Butters... tut, tut, tut." He says, putting his hand on my shoulder. He holds on and we start walking to his house. "Your parents will never listen to you. You'll never live your own life." He says a bit before we reach the house. I lift my head up for a second and see Kenny looking at me with a few other people at the bus stop. He looks at me shocked and worried. I mouth help me to him before Eric brings me into his home.

He leads me through the house down to the basement, just like yesterday. I stop and try to pull away when I see everything.

"Eric, I don't want to do this, and I don't want to be here!" I say when he looks at me. He growls.

"Butters, we already went over this. Do I have to go to loved ones?" He asks me.

How would he know the people I cared about? "I don't care about anyone that much." I tell him. He continues pulling me down the stairs.

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