Chapter 4: Time and chaos

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When the boys had landed in the water, they both would find themselves in certain predicaments. Leon and Ruby went through a bit of a tumble, with her ending up on his chest, a bit dizzy from the encounter. Nexis on the other hand, landed on Nixy, with his face in her chest. To him, this wasn't a predicament.

Nixy: "N-n-nexiiiiis!!"

Nexis was no longer functioning. Hearts were in his eyes and drool was running down his face. To him, this was a dream come true. To Nixy, this was the most embarrassed she felt.

Nixy: "R-Ruby help meee!! Nexis is broken!!"

Ruby: "Ngh... What the heck... Happened."

Leon's face was completely red. All he could do was look up at the sky. If he were to look down he would see... Things. His heart was racing as Ruby started to move and her chest would press onto him. As Ruby started to gain her vision back, she would soon come to the realization of her situation. Her face would steam from how red it was.

Ruby: "W-What is h-happeniiiing!!!"

Leon: "Please... move..."

Ruby: "I can't!!! I'll be exposed if I do!! J-just give me something to cover myself, anything!! p-please!! A-and hide me in the corner over their. Hide me hide me pleeeease!!"

Leon: "Fine fine just shut it for a second!"

Leon would sigh, and sit up from the water, trying his best to keep his eyes above view of certain parts. Ruby stayed pressed against him as her arms tightly wrapped around his torso. He would start to take off his leather jacket, and then proceeded to place it over her shoulders, zipping it up as needed. It was big on her, so much so that the sleeves went past her hands. He couldn't help but think of how cute she looked in his big jacket.

Leon: "There."

Leon felt a bit more relaxed, but Ruby was still bashful from it all.

Ruby: "Th-Thank you."

Leon: "Mhm."

Theirs eyes would meet, and they would stare at one another for a moment, till they became to flustered to do so. Their sights would divert from each other, leaving them in a romantical state.

Nixy: "Rubyyyy, help meeeee."

Ruby: "O-Oh right, sorry, I'm coming!"

Leon would look away and exit the hot spring, taking off his boots and pouring out any water that had gotten in them. And as he tried to dry himself off, Ruby would attempt to pull Nexis off of Nixy.

Nexis: "No!! Let me stay on my goddess! She's so soft and warm, hehe.~"

Nixy: "°\\\\~\\\\°."

Ruby: "Get off of her you parasite!!"

Nexis: "Nooooo! I will fight you on this! She's mine! Mine I tell you!!"

Ruby would eventually get him off, giving Nixy the bit of time she needed to grab a towel she had brought from the camp. She would wrap it around herself and have a sigh of relief.

Nexis: "They were so perfect~. Like little clouds."

Nixy: ">\\\\\\<"

Ruby: "Stop talking about my sister like that right in front of me you pervert!"

The man with the purple jacket, as well as his small friend would make their way down to the springs. Aussie would simply pop in and out of existence like he had done with Nexis and Leon, landing easily on the ground and staring at all the commotion that was happening. Sayuki however, would walk down the air as if it were a stairway, making her way towards where the others were. She would stop in front of the warm water and point at Leon and Nexis with both of her hands.

Wendy: "These guys are perverts!! They were watching you guys!"

Leon: "... No, I was not... He was."

Leon would point in Nexis's direction.

Nexis: "Hey, you were thinking about it!"

Leon: "No I was not!"

Wendy: "No matter what you two say, we know what we saw, right Aussie!?"

Aussie: "... Well I kinda just came along. Besides what's it matter. You're a bit of a pervert to."

Wendy: "This is no time to get side tracked!"

Nixy would make her way out of the water with Nexis beside her.

Nixy: "Actually we know these two. So it's nothing super new to us. At least when it comes to Nexis."

Nexis: "Aww, you know me so well sweety pie."

Nixy would smile at him, leaving Nexis swooning. This new girl Wendy however, seemed utterly confused by the situation. It's seemed odd that someone's perversion would go unchecked.

Sayuki: "Wait, I think I get it now! You're all perverts! Is this some kind of group sex!?"

The wolf girls face would go completely red. Who knows what devious thoughts were rummaging through her mind.

Leon: "What the f*ck."

Nexis: "Never, Nixy is my one and only!"

Ruby: "I would never do something so grotesque! And besides that I'm... Well... I like someone right now. *Blush blush*

Without much of a thought, Nixy would walk up to the girl, and grab her by the back of her shirt, throwing her through the sky. A small twinkle would shine in the air, representing the once present Wendy. Everyone watched as Wendy would fall to the floor oh so far away.

Ruby: "Huh...Why did you do that?"

Nixy: "I'm not quite sure... It just felt so, right."

The small wolf girl would eventually return to where she was, as if she had reversed herself back in time to that exact moment.

Wendy: "What the heck was that for!"

Nixy: "I'm sorry. It just felt necessary."

Sayuki: "To throw me!!?"

Nixy: "... Yes."

Aussie would stare blankly at Sayuki, then the group of strangers, then back a Sayuki.

Aussie: "How about we join you guys?"

Wendy: "Wait, what!? You want us to join the sex group people!?"

Ruby: "We aren't sex group people!!"

Like before, Nixy would grab the back of Wendy's sweater, and throw her far away. And like before, she would return to the same spot.

Sayuki: "Stop throwing me!"

Nixy: "... No."

Wendy: "And Aussie, we will be fine on our own! Besides, we've been surviving well as is. There's no need to add more people into the mix."

Aussie: "Weren't you the one saying that you wish you had more people in your life."

Wendy: "Shut up! I never said that!"

Aussie: "You did. Also, I'm quite fascinated with them. They seem... Entertaining. And if you don't join then I guess this is goodbye."

Aussie would wave to Wendy making his way over to the others, knowing full and well that Wendy would follow along.

Nexis: "Wait wait, hold up! Who even said anything about letting you guys join us!"

Nixy: "Oh what harm could it really do Nexis. I'm sure we will be okay with someone as strong as you around."

He would blush and turn to Aussie and Sayuki.

Nexis: "Welcome aboard you two.

Ruby: "That was quick... Also, it is worth noting that we are apart of a guild. So if you join our groups you join what we do."

Aussie: "Ah, really? Sounds like some fun!"

To be continued.

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