Chapter 5: Passing days

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After some rest, everyone would start on the track back home the next day. But this time, they had more company than before. Half of the gang was walking up ahead, including their two official new members, Sayuki and Aussie. Since Nixy had gathered plenty of materials on the way, Ruby decided to carry her backpack for her this time around.

Behind them were Ruby and Nexis. And even further behind was Leon. Ruby insisted that Leon walk with her but he refused. And as they walked through the forest and along the path way to the train station, Ruby would turn to Nexis. She had wanted to have a talk with him for a good while, and so, she would.

Ruby: "Hey, idiot. We need to talk."

Nexis: "Don't just start a conversation by calling me an idiot. At least give me something nicer!"

Ruby: "... That is nice... For you."

His expression would become deadpan.

Ruby: "Alright, alright, I'm just messing with you. But I was meaning to have a serious talk with you."

Nexis: "...okay?"

Ruby: "Look... I know that you know about our issues. Me and Nixy... We haven't really had the time to think about settling down and having a good honest life... And... It seems like she's really gaining feelings for you."

Leon would casually listen in on the conversation. He was never one to get into personal issues, but never the less, he was interested to hear.

Nexis: "Really... You think so?"

Ruby would nod.

Ruby: "... Yeah...

Nexis would smile. He would often show interest in her, and it was obvious to anyone in the guild that he liked her, but to know that she felt the same made him feel lucky.

Ruby: "And... if you hurt her, I will never forgive you. Understand?"

She seemed serious with each word she spoke. It was as if she had given Nexis her blessing. And as a response, Nexis would have that same level of seriousness.

Nexis: "If their is a day where she wants that life with me, then I promise I will do whatever it takes to make her happy."

Ruby: "Good."

As they finished their talk, and continued on with small banter, Leon couldn't help but admire Ruby's protectiveness and love for her sister. It was something he was unfamiliar with. Most days, he was alone. He had grown so accustomed to that loneliness, that his heart had hardened from it. And since his isolated days on the rodes, as well as many other tragic mysteries about him, he had never once cried.

But meeting this girl, had changed something in him. She was kind, and being near her made him feel safe and warm. Their was more he wanted to know of her; more he wanted to explore. But he wouldn't do such a thing. He would only watch, in hopes that she would become another distant memory of a person. "Its better this way", he would think to himself.

Eventually they would finally make it to the station. Nexis, Nixy, Sayuki, and Aussie would all enter the train, leaving Ruby with Leon.

Leon: "Well... I guess this is it."

Ruby: "...Yeah. I assume you haven't changed your mind?"

Leon would look into her eyes, and she into his. She awaited his answer in hopes for a different response. But he would look away from her gaze, and scratch the back of his head.

Leon: "No, I... I can't... But thanks for the offer."

She would struggle to keep her smile, and her eyebrows would furrow, leaving a somberness behind her stare.

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