CHAPTER 03: Veiled Pasts Unveiled

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A month had passed, and Alsei was lost in deep contemplation since the morning. Thoughts of Heave and Akio clouded her mind, leaving her wondering about their true intentions. She questioned whether their kindness was genuine or just a façade.

Heave quietly entered Alsei's office, gently breaking the silence. "I'm sorry to interrupt your deep thoughts, but you're welcome to join Akio and me for lunch, if you'd like," Heave offered.

Lost in her thoughts, Alsei simply nodded in response as Heave left the room. She pondered, 'Since our first meeting, they've always extended an invitation. Is this a genuine gesture, or is there something more to it?' Her gaze fixed on the empty space before her.

At lunchtime, Alsei sat with Akio and Heave, her mind still preoccupied. Heave noticed Alsei's distant expression and inquired, "Is something on your mind, Alsei?"

Feeling guarded, Alsei replied, "Just lost in thought."

Concern evident in her voice, Heave asked, "Can I help with anything?"

Alsei couldn't contain her skepticism any longer and finally questioned, "I can't shake the feeling that you and Akio are...different. What's the real story here?"

Heave paused, taking a sip of her juice before replying, "We're not like everyone else, Alsei. There are genuinely trustworthy people in this world. Not everyone has ulterior motives."

"I know it's not easy to trust someone, and you don't have to trust us. Just allow us to be with you. Because, honestly, we want to be your friend. No hidden intentions or dark thoughts, nothing. We genuinely want to be there for you, Alsei," Heave sincerely expressed, locking eyes with Alsei. Alsei could see the sincerity in Heave's gaze, and Akio mirrored the same emotions.

"I suppose we can be friends," Alsei replied hesitantly.

"You sound reluctant," Heave remarked, raising an eyebrow. "Anyway, we'd love to get to know you better. Would you be open to sharing something about yourself?" Heave's excitement was palpable as she spoke. "But please, only if you feel comfortable. Your silence is just as respected."

"About me?" Alsei tilted her head, unaccustomed to others showing genuine curiosity due to years of solitude. Despite her reservations, a small part of her urged her to trust them, to believe in their sincerity. For the first time since her mother's passing, she felt a flicker of trust rekindling inside her.

"I'll share. They do seem different," Alsei mused before continuing, "My mother's name was Seira Akahoshi. She resembled me, but with ocean blue eyes. She passed away when I was twelve," Alsei shared, her voice laced with sorrow.

Heave's gaze softened with empathy, understanding the pain Alsei carried. "Oh, Alsei, we're truly sorry."

"It's not your fault. Please don't apologize," Alsei responded, her eyes downcast.

Akio observed Alsei with compassion, his eyes reflecting understanding as he inquired, "And what about your father?"

"I never knew him. My mother kept silent about him, perhaps due to our clan's restrictions," Alsei explained.

As Alsei recounted her past, Akio listened intently, intrigued by her story.

"Clan?" Heave's curiosity sparked once more.

"I was born in a secluded place far from here, where my clan resides. We possess distinct characteristics, like our dark red hair, though our eye colors vary. At thirteen, I followed my mother's advice to flee from home," Alsei divulged.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but why did your mother suggest leaving your hometown? Is there something amiss with your clan?" Akio questioned, his tone gentle and curious.

"It's alright if you're not ready to share that with us. We won't rush you. Take your time," Akio reassured Alsei.

"Thank you. But I'm not ready to disclose that just yet," Alsei replied, vulnerability lacing her voice.

Sensing Alsei on the brink of emotional overwhelm, Heave enveloped her in a comforting hug from behind, while Akio gently laid a hand on hers, offering silent support in the face of her inner turmoil.

"It's okay. You don't have to push yourself. We understand that it's difficult. We know you've faced so much alone. Your feelings matter, and we respect them. But to find happiness, you must let go of the pain. Behind this guarded facade, I see a compassionate, gentle, loving version of you. No matter how you choose to reveal yourself, I care for you," Heave spoke earnestly.

Heave's words struck a chord deep within Alsei, stirring tears of gratitude. The realization that two individuals she had only recently met showed such care for her warmed her heart.

Those words became a lifeline, pulling her back from the brink of despair, allowing her to rediscover her true self. After years of internal battle, she could finally begin to mend the wounds that had festered. She could release the emotions she had bottled up for so long, embracing vulnerability instead of perpetually wearing a mask of strength. And now, she had companions by her side.

"Mom, I'm no longer alone. I wish you could see me now. Thank you, Akio, Heave," Alsei whispered softly into the air, her soul brimming with gratitude.

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