CHAPTER 07: The Enchanting Voyage and the Blossoming of Love

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The sun had yet to fully rise, its soft, golden light peeking over the horizon, painting the sky in soft hues of pink and orange. I woke two hours and thirty minutes before the promised time, my heart racing with anticipation. Today was the day. After what felt like forever, we would finally meet the CEO.

With that excitement fueling me, I threw myself into the kitchen. Cooking calmed me—every slice, every stir, brought a sense of control. Today, I wanted it to be perfect, so I prepared a meal for all of us—Akio, Heave, our driver, and myself. Every dish had meaning, every flavor was carefully chosen, reflecting not only the journey ahead but also my deep appreciation for the ones accompanying me. By the time I finished, an hour had passed, but the anticipation still simmered within me.

I took a quick glance at the clock. Still early. I hurried to get dressed, donning my usual disguise—the wig, the carefully selected clothes—and checked myself in the mirror. But as I tried to push the anxious excitement down, my mind drifted back to Akio. The way he held me, his touch, the safety I felt in his arms—it lingered in my thoughts like a melody I couldn’t shake off. His eyes, that warm golden hue, were unforgettable. It wasn’t often that I allowed myself to get so close to someone, but with Akio, it felt effortless, like gravity pulling me toward him. I could still feel his warmth, his kindness, the softness of his gaze—it made me feel things I wasn’t used to feeling.

Before I could sink deeper into that memory, the clock struck six. As promised, they arrived. Heave and Akio, right on time. But something felt off. I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that I had forgotten something. What was it?

I brushed it off and got into the limousine. Heave sat beside the driver, Akio right next to me. I greeted them cheerfully, trying to shake the feeling, but their expressions puzzled me. They looked... curious. Almost as if something wasn’t right.

“Is something wrong?” I asked, unable to contain my unease.

Akio glanced at me, eyes wide with surprise, then pointed toward his own eyes. I blinked, confused for a moment, then it hit me. The contacts! My heart dropped into my stomach.

“I... I forgot to put on my contacts,” I mumbled, mortified. The whole disguise—my entire persona—depended on those contacts.

Heave let out a soft laugh, trying to cover her amusement. “So that’s your real eye color. Akio can’t stop staring.”

Akio looked almost mesmerized, his gaze locked on mine. “It’s just... captivating,” he said softly, his voice filled with wonder.

I felt my face flush as I quickly pulled out my glasses from my bag, trying to hide my embarrassment. “Good thing I brought these.”

But even with my glasses on, I couldn’t shake the warmth that spread through me. Akio’s words lingered, his gaze too—it made me feel seen in a way I wasn’t used to.

The road stretched on, the gentle hum of the car lulling me into drowsiness. I tried to fight it, but sleep took over, pulling me under. When I opened my eyes an hour later, I realized I had fallen asleep with my head resting on Akio’s shoulder. But what surprised me more was that he had drifted off as well, his head gently resting on mine.

I hesitated, not wanting to disturb him, but I carefully shifted his head onto my shoulder instead. He stirred, waking up with a flustered look, hands waving as if to apologize. It was endearing.

“It’s fine, Akio,” I reassured him, chuckling softly. “You should rest.”

Without thinking, I wrapped my arm around his neck, keeping him in place as he slowly drifted back into sleep. I couldn’t help but feel a strange comfort in it, like this connection between us was more natural than I ever imagined.

As I glanced up, I noticed Heave watching us with a knowing smile. Her eyes softened as she spoke in a hushed tone, “He’s never rested on a woman’s shoulder before. You’ve changed him, Alsei. He’s distant with everyone else, but with you... you’ve melted him.”

Her words sent a wave of warmth through me. I couldn’t quite understand why he was different with me. “Why is he distant with other women?” I asked quietly.

Heave sighed softly, leaning back into her seat. “Because in the past, many only saw his heritage, his looks. They never saw him.”

“His heritage?” I echoed, confused.

“Yes. He’s half-noble. His mother, Lady Lilia Huntly, came from a noble house. She fell in love with a commoner, choosing love over duty. Akio is the result of that love, but his father left when Akio was still young. After his mother passed, my father offered to adopt him, but Akio refused. Instead, he lived with us, without the formalities of being adopted. But over time, women would approach him only for his status. That’s why he grew distant.”

Heave’s explanation lingered in the air, and I couldn’t help but glance at Akio, sleeping peacefully beside me. My heart ached for him. “Why me, then?” I asked quietly. “Why is he different with me?”

“You didn’t chase him for what he represented. You kept your distance. To him, that’s endearing.”

"Besides, he saw you in his Dream of Destiny. That is an absolute truth." Heave thought.

I looked away, a soft blush creeping onto my cheeks. “I never thought of myself as endearing.”

Heave’s smile widened. “You are far more than you think, Alsei.”

Her words stayed with me. I didn’t quite understand why it mattered so much, but they touched me deeply.

We continued our journey, and eventually, Akio stirred from his slumber. His gaze was soft as he looked at me, and I couldn’t help but feel like he had heard every word Heave had said.

“You’re remarkable, Alsei,” he said quietly. “Never forget that.”

His sincerity was overwhelming, and I had to blink away the tears that threatened to spill. His hand gently brushed against my cheek, wiping away the few tears that escaped, and in that moment, something between us shifted. Something unspoken, something I wasn’t sure either of us was ready to face—but it was there, undeniably so.

As we reached a small town for a stop, I offered the lunch I had prepared earlier. The sight of their grateful smiles, the sound of their enjoyment, filled me with a sense of contentment I hadn’t expected.

But as the car rolled on and the sun began to set, I found myself once again drawn into the quiet peace of Akio’s presence. He had fallen asleep again, this time with his head resting on my lap. I didn’t mind. As I gently brushed his hair from his face, my heart raced, and a soft, unfamiliar feeling settled deep within me. It felt right.

By the time we reached our destination, the sky was painted in deep purples and golds. The journey had brought us closer, and I couldn’t deny it anymore—the whispers of love between us had grown louder, undeniable, and real.

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