CHAPTER 06: The News and Preparation

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The atmosphere in Seira Co. shifted with the news of the CEO's imminent return. Akio, still reeling from the sudden announcement, questioned Heave with an urgent curiosity.

"When will 'soon' be?" he asked, his voice betraying both shock and intrigue.

Heave’s eyes, sharp with focus, met his. "Most likely within the next one to two days," she stated firmly.

Alsei, who had been quietly processing the situation, tilted her head slightly as she addressed Heave. "So, you're going to inform him about me being your second secretary?"

Heave nodded. "Yes, Alsei. He will likely summon you to his office and ask you a few questions. But don't worry, we’ll be there for you every step of the way."

Alsei's face remained calm, though her chest rose with a quiet breath. "I should be nervous, but oddly enough, I’m not," she remarked, almost to herself, clutching her chest as if checking for a faster heartbeat.

Heave, ever the observer, didn’t miss a chance to tease. "Does being with him help you find that sense of calm, Alsei?"

Alsei blinked, her innocent confusion clear. "Being with whom? Akio?"

Her words landed with unintended weight, and Akio immediately flushed a deep red, turning his head and covering his face with one hand. Heave watched the effect her playful jabs had on him, thinking to herself, Oh, Alsei... if you only knew what you do to him.

Shifting her tone back to business, Heave gave Akio new instructions. "We need to prepare for the CEO’s return. Send an email to everyone, letting them know there will be an assembly in the Reception Hall in two hours. Alsei, you should attend as well."

"Understood, Ms. Singeman," both Akio and Alsei responded in unison.

Alsei hesitated before adding, "Would it be alright if I helped Akio with the preparations?"

Heave glanced at Akio. "If he doesn’t mind, then yes. But before anything else, Akio, go get yourself checked at the infirmary. Take Alsei with you."

Akio, with his usual stubbornness, protested, "I’m fine, Heave. It’s just a minor bump—"

The room grew tense as Heave fixed him with a cold stare, the kind that could chill a summer's day. "O-okay," Akio relented quickly, raising his hands in surrender. "I’ll go to the infirmary."

Satisfied, Heave left the room, her aura of authority trailing behind her.

Alsei, still processing Heave’s commanding side, commented, "Wow, I didn’t know she could be so... dominant."

Akio sighed, shaking his head. "That’s not even her most terrifying side."

Alsei's curiosity piqued. "What’s her most terrifying side?"

"You’ll find out soon enough," Akio said cryptically, trying to change the subject. "Are you sure you want to help? It’s going to be exhausting."

"That’s exactly why I want to help. I don’t want you getting too tired," Alsei replied with a sincere smile. "Consider it my way of repaying your kindness."

Akio’s expression softened. "You’ve already repaid me, but if you insist… fine."

He extended his hand to her, which she took with a lighthearted laugh. "But first, the infirmary," she reminded him as they headed out.

At the infirmary, while Akio was being checked for his earlier injury, Alsei’s thoughts drifted to the sudden withdrawal of their business partners. She pondered the reasons behind it—was there another rival company they had switched to? And if so, who could it be?

Her thoughts were interrupted when Akio finished his treatment. Together, they efficiently sent out the announcement, and the employees began gathering in the Reception Hall. Thirty minutes before the assembly, Heave met them at the side of the stage.

"That was quick!" she said, impressed with their swift work.

"It’s all thanks to Alsei," Akio admitted, shooting her an appreciative smile.

As they exchanged pleasantries, Heave noticed Alsei’s distracted demeanor. She seemed lost in thought, her gaze distant.

"Alsei, are you alright?" Akio asked, concern in his voice.

Snapping back to the present, Alsei smiled apologetically. "Yes, I’m fine. Sorry, I just got a little lost in thought."

Heave, sensing something deeper, pressed further. "I think I know what’s on your mind. We’ll address it when the CEO arrives."

Alsei nodded in agreement. "Right now, let’s focus on the assembly. They’re waiting for you, Heave."

Heave took the stage and addressed the crowd, delivering a speech about the importance of the CEO’s return. She reminded them all of his dual role, not just as a businessman but as the Royal Duke of Fatumnia. His influence extended beyond the company, impacting the entire country’s infrastructure.

As Heave spoke, Akio noticed Alsei's gaze growing distant again. He leaned in and whispered, "You sure you're okay?"

Alsei smiled, brushing off his concern. "Yes, I’m fine. How’s your nose, by the way?"

"Don’t worry about me," Akio chuckled softly. "I’ll survive."

The assembly concluded without incident, and Heave rejoined them. Just as they were about to disperse, Alsei voiced an unexpected request.

"Heave, may I stay here overnight? To help with the preparations?"

Heave gave her a pointed look. "No, Alsei. You’ll be coming with us to the airport to pick up the CEO."

Alsei’s eyes widened. "What?!" She hadn’t expected to meet him so soon.

"Yes," Heave continued with a grin. "This will be our first trip together."

"But isn’t it a bit soon?" Alsei asked, her nerves showing.

"You’ll just be there to greet him. You don’t have to say much unless he asks you something," Heave reassured her.

"Alright then," Alsei sighed, trying to steady her nerves.

Before they could leave, Heave had one more request. "Alsei, can we have your phone number? In case we need to contact you."

Alsei handed it over, a small smile tugging at her lips. It felt nice to be included, to know they wanted to stay in touch.

"Good. We’ll pick you up at six in the morning," Heave said. "Prepare for a long journey."

Alsei’s curiosity got the better of her. "How do you know my address?"

Heave raised an eyebrow, as if the answer were obvious. "It’s in your bio. Plus, we’ve driven past your place before."

Alsei blinked, slightly taken aback but also impressed.

As the day drew to a close, Seira Co. geared up for the CEO’s return. The employees, energized by Heave’s speech, worked with purpose. And somewhere in the background, Alsei’s thoughts lingered on the road ahead—the Borderland Hills, the Akahoshi clan, and the uncertainties that awaited her.

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