CHAPTER 05: Secrets Unveiled, Anxious Heart

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The meeting had just wrapped up, and as everyone began to leave, I noticed Alsei slipping out quickly, not even sparing a glance in my direction. I wasn’t sure what was bothering her, but I figured now wasn’t the time to press her. Just as I stood to gather my things, I spotted her phone still sitting on the table in front of her chair.

Without thinking twice, I approached Heave. "I’m going to return this to Alsei," I said, holding up the phone.

Heave barely glanced at me before waving her hand in permission, already engrossed in her next task. "Go ahead."

I made my way through the building, my mind already replaying the odd behavior Alsei had been showing lately. I stopped outside her office. The door was slightly open, and for a moment, I hesitated. Knocking felt... unnecessary for some reason. We were colleagues, and I had her phone to return. Still, something about the situation felt off, a strange tension hanging in the air.

I pushed the door open silently and stepped inside, closing it behind me just as quietly. What I saw made my breath catch in my throat. There she was—Alsei—standing by the window, but what struck me was her hair. True black, glossy and natural, cascading over her shoulders. On the table beside her was a wig. Her usual dark red hair was... fake?

Heave’s words rang in my ears. She’d been right. All this time.

Alsei hadn’t noticed me yet, too focused on adjusting her real hair. But as she turned to pick up the wig, her eyes locked onto mine. The color drained from her face, fear and shock flashing in her wide eyes. Her hands trembled, and the wig slipped from her fingers, tumbling to the floor.

Before I could say anything, her legs gave way. She started to collapse, but I was already there, reaching her just in time. My arms caught her, and I guided her gently to the floor, making sure she didn’t fall further. She was shaking uncontrollably, her breaths shallow and rapid—an anxiety attack. I’d seen this before.

"Hey, hey..." I whispered softly, crouching beside her. "It’s okay. Everything’s going to be fine."

Her panic didn’t ease. She was lost in the moment, gripped by fear. I had to do something, anything to calm her down. Without a second thought, I pulled her into a gentle embrace, her trembling body pressed against mine. "It’s alright," I whispered again, my voice steady. "I promise, no one will know."

For a moment, she was stiff, but then she slowly relaxed in my arms, her breathing still rapid but a bit less frantic. I felt her hands clutch at my shirt, grounding herself.

Suddenly, she spoke, her voice small but sharp with irritation. "Who told you to come in without knocking?!"

Her outburst startled me, and I pulled back, my face flushing with embarrassment. "I’m sorry! I should’ve knocked... it won’t happen again. I swear."

I could tell she was still shaken, though her anger had given her a bit of control back. "Are you alright?" I asked, my voice quieter now, more cautious.

Alsei didn’t answer immediately, but she tightened her grip on my shirt, as if holding onto some part of me helped her stay centered. After a long pause, she whispered, "Yes... Thank you, Akio."

I exhaled, relieved. "You’re welcome," I replied gently. "I won’t tell anyone about this, you have my word."

She looked up at me, her eyes meeting mine for the first time since I’d entered the room. There was something in that gaze, a silent trust. "I know," she said softly. "I trust you."

We stayed like that for a moment, just looking at each other. It was as if time had slowed down, and we were suspended in this quiet, intimate space. I felt my heartbeat quicken, but before I could dwell on it, I spoke again.

"By the way..." I began, almost hesitantly, "I think Heave knows about this."

Her eyes widened in shock. "How?!"

"She’s... intuitive. It’s like she just knows things," I said with a half-smile.

"She’s not going to tell anyone, is she?" Alsei’s voice wavered, filled with fresh anxiety.

"No, she’s not like that," I reassured her quickly. "It’ll be fine."

"If you say so..." she muttered, but her uncertainty was clear.

"Can you stand?" I asked, gently pulling back to give her some space.

"I think so," she replied, her voice still shaky.

"Let me help you," I offered, reaching out. She accepted, and with my assistance, she stood up. She took a few steps to pick up her wig, placing it carefully back on her head, her usual composed mask sliding back into place.

"So... what did you come here for, anyway?" she asked, as if trying to forget everything that had just transpired.

"Oh, right." I fumbled for her phone in my pocket. "You left this in the meeting room."

Her eyes widened again, this time in realization. "Thank you!" She took the phone, her voice filled with gratitude.

"It’s nothing," I replied softly.

Just then, she looked at me more closely, concern replacing the remnants of her earlier panic. "Akio... is something wrong?"

I hesitated, my mind flickering back to the previous night. "It’s just... I saw someone in the City Capital last night. She looked like you."

Alsei shifted uncomfortably before admitting, "That was me..."

"I know," I said, a soft understanding in my voice.

She lowered her gaze, ashamed. "I’m sorry for hiding it from you."

"You don’t have to apologize," I said gently. "I’m sure you had your reasons."

There was a pause, and I considered asking why she wore the wig, but it felt too personal. Before I could decide, she spoke up. "If you’re going to ask why, go on. I trust you."

Her words caught me off guard, and I felt a wave of gratitude. "Maybe another time," I said with a smile. "Right now, I need to get back to Heave. She’s probably wondering why I’m taking so long."

"Of course," she said, returning my smile, a quiet understanding passing between us.

Just as I turned to leave, the door flew open, and Heave barged in without warning. The door slammed into my face, knocking me back, and I stumbled, falling to the floor with a sharp pain in my nose.

"Akio!" Alsei called out, rushing to my side, her face pale with concern.

Heave gasped, realizing what she had done. "Akio! What happened?"

I sat up, holding my nose, which was now bleeding. "You slammed the door in my face," I muttered, already forgiving her.

"I’m so sorry!" Heave said, her voice filled with genuine guilt.

"It’s alright," I said, my tone calm despite the pain.

Alsei was already pressing a tissue to my nose, dabbing away the blood. Heave watched with a small smile, clearly amused by the scene unfolding before her.

"You two seem to be getting along well," she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Heave, please..." I groaned, my face turning redder by the second.

Alsei blushed too, but she kept her focus on tending to my nose. There was an unspoken ease between us, and Heave’s teasing only highlighted it.

Suddenly, Heave’s tone shifted. "We have an emergency. The CEO called. The business meeting abroad got canceled because our partners backed out. Mr. Albert Singeman will be returning soon."

Both Alsei and I froze. "What?!" we exclaimed in unison, our shock evident.

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