Chapter 25: Wait, what?

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Ivan screams like a little girl to see them. He runs to break them away but Gracie prevents him. She whispers to him.

"Come on. They make a great couple. Let them be and get distracted with your own life."

"God. You're right. How about you and I go out for a date?"

"Fuck no. Just because I told you to get distracted, you'll ask me on a date."

"Sorry, I'm a really desperate guy."

"I know. I mean look at you. Now scram, I'll call Mia."

"THANK GOD! Colette and Spencer finally stopped making out. And who's Mia?"

"My girlfriend."

Gracie walks away and takes out her phone. She dials her girlfriend. The fans continue to gush over them. Ivan looks around and sees Travis talking to a ginger girl. Travis notices Ivan creepily staring at them. He mutters while leading the woman away from Ivan's sight. He comes closer to him.

"That is my girl, Judy."

"Oh, she seems nice. Back then she used to say such bitchy things to me. I mean you too. Perfect couple."

"Yes, that was the past— She sure is nicer now. I'm not sure if I am nicer. Now would you be so kind as to... leave. You're creeping her out."

"Yeah, whatever. I'm extremely unlucky at love. Y'all got partners and I don't. I'll die an old maid."

"No, baby. It's okay! This curly-haired friend of yours is kind of cute."

Judy interferes with them. Travis looks at her with utter surprise. She giggles and waves at the oblivious Ivan. Ivan winks at the pretty girl. Travis gets nervous.

"NO! NO! Enough of this thing! Come on, baby."

"I'm Judy Barnes. You are?"

"Ivan, please stop hitting on girls who are already taken. Go now, shoo!"

Travis did not give him a chance to speak with Judy. The couple leaves him alone. Travis was nudging Judy away. She still enthusiastically waves at him. Colette runs to her troubled brother. Spencer follows her like a child. She suggests to him.

"I know you feel very single right now."

"Yeah! Isn't it obvious?! Bro, don't hold my sister's hand in front of me."

Spencer steps away from clinging to Colette. She cups her hand on his face for comfort. Spencer kisses her and she adds.

"Call Lisle. I know you guys aren't a thing but she's in New Jersey..."

"She is?! How did you know?"


"Okay, great! I'm taking the train and I'm surprising her."

"Liking this plan. Escalating so fast but sure. You're surprising her with what?"

"I have to bring something? Is that obligatory?"

"Not really, Ivy. Just a kind gesture."

"Um... A gift card from the shop!"

Spencer cuts them and pats his friend's shoulder. He advises.

"Oi, fam. You are bloody hopeless. There's no romantic... bone on you."

"Wow. Please teach me, romance master."

Ivan sarcastically replies. The media is still blabbering about Morningstar's death. Colette giggles and Spencer grins at him.

"Impress her. Since I am an excellent friend, I'll let you borrow my Bentley. Oh, or even my Rolls-Royce."

"I'm sorry what?"

"If you're feeling aces, then take my Maserati or my Porsche. Fair warning, don't you dare scratch her. I'll kill you. I seriously will."

"Sure. As if you can scratch me."

"Mate, just tell me what model. Father has lots of connections. Your choice."

"What? You have a what?! How come we always use the train and the bikes?!"

"Oh, you're absolutely right. Haven't thought about that. Edward prohibits me. He always wants to be the center of attention."

"God, I hate your brother— I'm taking the Maserati."

"Brilliant choice. Bring her flowers and chocolates. Be a good old-fashioned lover boy."

"It's that Fusion? Yeah, it looks like he's calling us."

Colette butts in the conversation. She points at him as he meddles with the crowd. The three approach the hero. Fusion excitedly says to them and the crowd.

"We have a new hero! A better replacement for Morningstar. Please welcome... Guardian!"

"Wait, what?"

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