☾。✩˚𝓘𝓷 𝓐 𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓵˚✩。☽

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A/N: Translations at the bottom


"Luna, my moon, my sunshine," Oceana said.

'That's redundant.'

Luna briefly glanced up at her girlfriend with a knowing look and a glint of amusement shining in them. "You know why girls call me Aguamenti?" Oceana asked, to which Luna shook her head. "Every time they hear my name, they get wet."

Luna paused, casting an unimpressed glance, before letting out a little sigh and lightly patting Oceana's knee. She returned her attention to Pansy's hair, while Oceana pouted.

Star smiled to herself at the interaction, which was quickly wiped off by the feeling of Cas rubbing small circles on her knee. Cas had been unbelievably clingy since their night together, and Star, try as she may, could not shake him off.

She'd tried everything—destroying his homework, tearing apart his clothes, hurling insults endlessly—anything to make him falter without him breaking up with her. Yet, nothing seemed to deter him, and it was utterly frustrating.

She had almost resorted to murder one night when he fell asleep next to her.

All her thoughts had been consumed by Draco, and only Draco. The few moments of respite from Cas' constant presence came at night, when she would sneak into the restricted section of the library to study on Vanishing Cabinets. She meticulously took notes, intending to share them with Draco.

Pansy threw a book at Theo's head, "Do you ever know when to shut up!?"

Marcello pouted, "Aw! Not the face! I love his face."

Star chuckled. The two were in no way together, but they had a flirty banter going on that she hoped would lead Theo to happiness.

Feeling Cas rub at her hip, she froze. Since she discovered that spot's sensitivity, any contact in that area had her tingling with need. Need that was unwelcome at the hands of Cas.

'I should break up with him.'

"Why aren't you wearing my necklace?" Cas asked, somewhat annoyed. "It's been days since I last saw it on you."

Without skipping a beat, Star replied, "Mango's claw got stuck in them when we were having a cuddle. I was gonna put them back on. Must've forgotten."

She'd completely forgotten about the necklaces that Draco had torn off her neck and disregarded into the chasm that was the Room of Requirement.

She sensed Cas' growing vexation, his gaze distant and brooding.

"For fucks sake, why are you pouting? Relax."

Cas glared, "Don't tell me to relax I—"

"Don't raise your fucking voice at me, Griffin."

Cas scoffed, "Will you fucking let me talk?"

"Don't cuss at me!"

"You did it first!" he huffed. "Please? Just listen?"

His demeanour was submissive, but his eyes sang a different tune.

"Speak, pet," Star spat.

Cas stiffened, glancing around warily before leaning in to whisper into her ear. "It's important to me that you wear it. I just—it might be stupid but it makes me feel like... like you're mine, you know? I don't... my last girlfriend cheated and..."

Scorched and Bruised ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now