☾。✩˚𝓟𝓮𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓾𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷˚✩。☽

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"He's so cute," Luna Lovegood cooed at Mango.

While she fussed over the small lizard, Oceana doted on Luna. Since Luna became a regular presence among their group of friends, Oceana's smile never faltered. The love for her girlfriend was palpable.

Mango let out a sneeze and unexpectedly spouted fire from his nostrils.

The following afternoon of his adoption, Star learned that the 'dragon' in 'bearded dragon' held a literal meaning. Centuries ago, these creatures had been crossbred with actual dragons. Star promptly delved into researching the creature and learned that Mango would develop wings when he reached three years of age. 

Which was in a couple of months.

Star dipped her toes into the warm lake. Although Nereusia enjoyed Star's company, she tended to keep her distance when others were around.

Theo dashed forward, hoisted Star over his shoulder, and playfully tossed her into the water. She let out a delighted squeal as she splashed him energetically. Blaise and Pansy followed suit, joining them in their playful antics.

In the past, the lake had been off-limits, but following a riot led by the older students in Star's second year, Dumbledore warded a section of the lake and brokered a treaty with the creatures residing within. Now, on afternoons and weekends, the lake was open for use.

Pansy hopped onto Blaise's shoulders, while Star climbed onto Theo's. They engaged in spirited wrestling until Star emerged victorious, much to her triumph.

Theo scooped her up with one arm, planted a loud kiss on her cheek, and bounced her, exclaiming, "IN YOUR FACES!"

With a tap on his head, Theo knew that Star was signalling that she wanted to leave the water. He carefully carried her back to the grassy sand and quickly returned to join the lighthearted scuffle with Blaise and Pansy as Star settled comfortably beside Luna.

"The sun heals you," Luna said as she smiled up at the flaming ball through squinted eyes. "Nature too. It whispers, it's kind, it's always been here."

"I know exactly what you mean," Star agreed. "It's a sanctuary."

Draco scoffed, "What's so fucking good about some grass?"

"Maybe if you got out more and didn't look like a sheet of paper, you'd understand Draco," Star chuckled.

It was the first time in a week that Draco had been around his friends. Every time Star tried to hunt him down, he'd vanish, or Cas and her friends would whisk her away.

She was certain if people kept interfering, she didn't care who it was trying to stop her—be it from Dumbledore to Voldemort—she was going to hex them if they prevented her from finding Draco.

Dracos' white button-down was rolled up to his elbows, with a couple of buttons left undone.

"You look pretty," Star smiled. "You always look pretty."

Draco glanced at her stoically, fingers playing with his steel rings. 

Another task that had eluded Star in the past week was brewing the luck potion. Despite fewer classes for the sixth years, the workload was overwhelming.

Star hummed softly as she strummed her acoustic guitar. The best gift she had ever received was from Theo—a guitar. Upon discovering how much she loved music and how she'd listened to street musicians as a child, he decided to gift her one for her birthday.

The guitar had been with him for months in advance, since he knew she wouldn't have accepted it unless it was for a special occasion.

She played a tune she had secretly memorized over the summer from her older cousin. It was a beautiful song that didn't belong to a horrible man. 

Scorched and Bruised ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now