☾。✩˚𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓑𝓮𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓒𝓵𝓾𝓶𝓼𝔂˚✩。☽

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Star had been undressing out of her uniform and into pyjamas when Oceana walked into her room. After witnessing the first years being sorted, they had all just returned from the Great Hall. For once, she didn't irritate Draco; instead, she needed a long shower.

As the already-forming bruise darkened on her skin, Oceana caught sight of it, and her expression instantaneously shifted into a simmering rage. Before Star could blink, she found herself being hauled out of her dorm room, Oceana's anger palpable in the air around them. Star was only sporting her knickers and a tight spaghetti strap when Oceana forced her to stand in front of Draco (and the entire Slytherin common room), she had barely succeeded in covering herself with a blanket.

"Mind fucking explaining, Malfoy?!" Oceana seethed.

"Can I go back now?" Star sighed. She felt the entire ordeal was utterly gratuitous.


At her loud voice, the attention of nearby Slytherin students was caught—including Cas'. Star gave a nervous chuckle and covered her legs as much as possible.

'Well, that's embarrassing.'

"What the fuck are you nosy sods looking at!?" Oceana gave a shriek. Immediately everyone resumed their previous activities.

"What's going on Cici?" Pansy questioned, voice oozing with concern.

"What's going on!?" Oceana let out an angry laugh. "We leave her alone with Draco and all of a sudden—"

"Ok wait, just breath Cee—" Blaise said.

"JUST BREATH!?" Oceana growled. Blaise instantly raised his hands in retreat as she scowled at him. Then, she whirled around to give Draco another severe look.

"What. Did. You. Do. What the fuck did you do!?" Oceana lethally directed her wrath toward Draco.

Theo frowned, "What's going on?" He strolled over from across the common room to join them. "Why is Star in a fucking blanket?"

'This is so not a big deal.'

Draco rubbed his temple, "What the bloody fuck are you going on about, Beaumont? Have you finally gone senile? I heard it runs in your family."

Oceana grasped the blanket that Star had been holding tight to her body,  yanked it off,  lifted her shirt, and pointed at the large bruise forming on her side. Star panicked and reached for the blanket to cover her legs quickly.

She pouted to herself, a single thought making its way to the forefront of her mind, 'Only for Draco.'

Recovering quickly from her musings, she joked, "I know you think I'm fit, Cici, but c'mon," and was met with a stern look.

'Well, ok then, cranky pants.'

Her friends' faces erupted in outrage as their attention turned to Draco, simultaneous glares shooting his way.

With his eyes hardening, Draco drawled, "I know fuck all about that."

"Oh, is that right!? The only time she was alone was with you—" Oceana pointed an accusing finger, "—on the train, and suddenly she's bruised!?"

Pansy shot up, her gaze sweeping over Star's stomach as she shielded her away from prying eyes. She then turned to the man in question, her voice trembling with accusation as she advanced toward him. "You did, didn't you? You—"

Theo intervened, his tone low and threatening as he halted Pansy's aggressive stride toward Draco. "Did you do that?" he growled, his eyes locked onto Draco's.

Scorched and Bruised ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now