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The morning after the Christmas ball...

Amanda opened one eye and then the other. Her eyelashes were stuck together from mascara. Next to her, she heard deep breathing. A male arm was draped over her, holding her tightly. She turned her head slowly and saw long blonde hair, interspersed with brown strands, stretching across the pillow. The outlines of the previous night began to form in her mind. She felt the warm touch of a body next to hers. Then she remembered the previous evening. She had been at a party, recalling laughter, music, and a few too many drinks. She remembered the moment she decided to end the night with one more drink.

"Oh God, what have I done?" she thought, trying to recall the details.

Then the image of the man beside her, the arm holding her tightly, flashed in her mind. She looked down and realized she was wrapped in a sheet, while the man lay next to her naked. She slowly tried to sit up and get out of bed. Her head was pounding, and her legs were unsteady. She looked around, trying to recognize the place. The room was unfamiliar. She realized she was in someone else's apartment.

"This is definitely the last time I drink," Amanda muttered, looking at Luka.

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