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"Shit," Amanda muttered to herself. She looked around.

Her bra and dress were on the floor of the room. Panties? God knows where. In the corner, she spotted one stiletto. Slowly, she tried to move Luka's arm away from her, careful not to wake him. He stirred, squeezing her tighter. She sighed. Slowly, she lay back on her back, without a sound.

"Think, Amanda, think," she told herself.

She began to wriggle like a snake. She lowered one leg to the floor, slowly wriggling out until her bare bottom reached the edge of the bed.

"Don't wake up, please," she prayed silently.

She succeeded. Luka stirred again and turned to the other side. She looked at his muscular back and nice butt.

"What a shame," she thought to herself.

She gathered her dress, bra, and one shoe. The coat, purse, and other shoe she found in the hallway. She quickly dressed and looked around the apartment.

"Where's the way out here?" she thought. "Oh my, what a space. This is worse than at my mom's. Ah, there it is," she said, spotting the entrance door.

Quietly, like a mouse, she stepped out onto the street. The cold air hit her like a slap in the face. Sunday morning, the day after Christmas. She began to dig through her purse for her phone.

"There you are, thank God."

"Dead battery, noooo. Can this morning get any worse?" she thought to herself.

She tightly grabbed the collar of her coat and kept going. It was cold, almost maddening. Barefoot, in her evening dress and coat, she definitely wasn't dressed for winter conditions.

"I'm going to freeze," she thought to herself. Step by step, she moved away from Luka's house. She looked around. The neighborhood was beautiful: family homes, upper-middle-class with well-kept yards decorated with Christmas decorations.

Walking, her shoe got stuck, causing the heel to break. She cursed under her breath. She could have stayed in the warm bed with the handsome man. She could have been in a warm embrace. She could have had breakfast in bed and... "No," she thought. "Not with him."

At that moment, Morris came along. "Walk of shame?" he said with a smile.

She didn't respond. She already felt miserable enough. She wasn't in the mood for jokes.

"Do you need a ride?"

"Desperately," she replied.

"Get in!"

They drove for a short while, then Morris spoke up.

"Don't," Amanda cut him off. "I'm really grateful for the ride, but don't ask me."

"No, no..." Morris smiled. "I was just wondering if he was so bad that you decided to run away."

Amanda didn't answer. "He was too good," she thought to herself. More than good, excellent, the best sex she ever had in her life. And it must not happen again.

Morris left her at the doorstep of the house she shared with Anna. She entered the apartment. Anna wasn't there. "She's probably with Gabriel. And let her be. She deserves it."

With all the hardships Anna had gone through in her life, she deserved to find someone like Gabriel, her soulmate. She thought about what Anna had said before going to the ball.

"You both feel intense chemistry. It's more than a physical feeling; it's an understanding that permeates your whole relationship, even when you're apart."

"I'm tired," she told herself. She entered her room and collapsed on the bed.

"Amanda from the future will deal with what happened last night," she told herself and fell asleep.

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