chapter 31

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Sana didn't remember walking to the mayor's house, but the next thing she knew she was standing on the front doorstep, shivering slightly as the spring breeze wound through her hair. Her heart was beating so hard she could practically hear it.

It felt strange to ring the doorbell after letting herself in with her key so many times, she realised faintly. The front garden was different – dotted with colour as the flowers came through. It took a moment before the door opened to reveal Marco Park standing against the doorframe with a look of confusion on his face. His plaid shirt needed an iron, and the sun glared off the Sheriff's badge clipped to his belt.

"Sana," Marco stated, seemingly confused. There was a slight furrow between his brows. "You – What are you doing here?"

"I got the email." Sana stated.

"Oh," Marco nodded, swallowed, Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. His eyes were filled with a sudden new understanding. "Oh." He hesitated. He seemed unsure whether or not to let her in. After a while, he jerked his head back, motioning her to follow him. "I think you'd better come inside."

Sana tucked a dark wave of hair behind her ear and followed Marco into the warmth of the foyer, feeling increasingly like a trespasser, or someone crossing enemy lines. She breathed in and steeled herself. God, what was she doing here? As her heels clicked on the polished foyer floor, she took in the familiar room around her, heart thumping.

While she forced her breathing to slow back down to normal, a sudden flurry of footsteps and a flash of blue cardigan rounded the corner. "Marco, can you –" Sarah stopped abruptly when she saw the woman standing behind her husband. "Sana," She stared, confused. "What are you..."

Sana breathed in. Her mind wasn't working right – it hadn't been since she'd read the words. All she could think, all she knew was that she had to get to Y/n. She swallowed, repeating the words she told Marco. "I got the email."

Marco and Sarah exchanged a look. Sarah turned back to Sana, mouth open, eyes wide and clearly debating something. "Right. Of course."

Sana stepped closer, suddenly filled with a new desperation. "Can I see her?"

It was Marco that answered, still standing behind her with his thumbs hooked through his belt loops. "She's out back." His voice was earnest and resigned.

"Thank you," Sana managed, nodding in gratitude.

She headed for the back door, but she'd barely taken a few steps before Sarah's hand caught her arm lightly. "Wait, Sana." The older woman's eyes were full of caution and something else. Something caring. She stepped in front of her, lowering her hand gently. "You should know that we've been aware of the situation for a couple of days now and..."


Sarah sighed. "She doesn't want to hear about it."

"What?" Sana stared.

"She's not interested." Sarah continued apologetically. "We've tried, Sana, believe me, we have tried. She won't hear it."

"All due respect, Sarah, but I'm not you." Sana glanced between husband and wife. "When you hired me to be her carer you told me she wouldn't talk back to me because we're not related." She turned back to Sarah with a hopeful smile. "At least let me try."

"Of course." Sarah nodded, managing a smile back. After a second, her expression softened. "And Sana? It's good to see you." With that she pulled her into a quick hug that smelled of flowery perfume and took her right back to the hospital. Still, when the older woman released her, Sana felt infinitely stronger. I needed that.

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