Let the hunt begin!

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pov: Gellert

The Aurors may think they have the power, that they are steps ahead of me, but they are wrong! It wasn't planned that they would capture one of us, but it was planned to lure them to France. I will have my fun hunting them down and making them pay piece by piece. They don't deserve to be in charge! They protect muggles even though they know what they are capable of! They are the real traitors, not me. I am the one who will free our world! The Ministry will fall and a new regime will rule! I'm traveling alone in Paris right now. It's seven minutes past midnight and the streets are dead. The only things walking the streets are rodents, drunken Frenchmen, bums and me. Paris is even uglier at night than during the day! I walk around for a while and take a close look at all the buildings. Eventually I came to an industrial area. That would also be an ideal hiding place. If there was nothing there, I would be very surprised. I approach the area cautiously. On the right, the buildings looked abandoned and on the left, they looked relatively new. Very interesting. I apparate to the roof of one of the buildings and walk along the right side of the area. I kept looking through windows and used the Lumos spell very carefully and deliberately. The first buildings were empty and pretty run-down. They had definitely been abandoned and forgotten for a long time. I walked around for a while until I finally found them. They were all asleep except for two people. They didn't notice me or my Lumos spell, though. What fools! I walked quietly along the roof of the building to the other side. Cautiously, I looked down. So this is house 23. Everything in this industrial area is numbered, so it won't be difficult to find this building again. I estimated there were 10 Aurors. That's too few for me, which is why I also looked at the last houses. I have to hand it to them, they are not as stupid as they act. They skipped houses and only then set up another camp with 10 Aurors. I memorized every number. Houses 23, 28, 33, 35 and 40 each contain 10 Aurorans, which means there are a total of 50 Aurors in Paris. Krall is being held prisoner in house 33. I apparate back to Nurmengard and relight the candles. I take out a map of Paris and circle the industrial area, marking exactly where each house was with the corresponding number and where they are holding Krall. This makes it easier to explain the plan to my followers tomorrow. I've already thought about everything and planned it in detail. They won't get away from me that quickly. Let the hunt begin!

Words: 477

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