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   1. have a strong desire or craving for.
"All citizens of panem have a hunger for the games "

   Panem, a society where there are 12 districts. Each district shall have two tributes. A male and female, and these tributes will be put into an arena where they have to fight to the death. This was put into place in order to control the districts' uprising against the capital. The capital is made up of citizens who are very colorful people. In Panem, they have one president, President Snow. Older, white headed but very calculated in how he speaks. Near the capital, of course, is District One, a career district, meaning all the children are sent to a training school for the games. This district is all about the hunger games and is all about luxury.

    District One supplies the capital with luxury items, and that keeps them on the capital's good side. Most districts describe one as entitled, and that is true about most of its citizens. There are a few, however, who couldn't hurt a fly and are well liked in the capital. That is the White Family, only which consists of Briar White and her daughter Dahlia White, who of which is 13 yrs old and therefore eligible to be put into the Hunger Games. This will be her second hunger games and she wasn't looking forward to the 66th Hunger Games. She wouldn't be the only one as many were afraid.

    Their house was on a side street, which looked like one of Victor's Villiage's house. It was big for only two people, but they had learned to deal with it. Briar, the matriarch of the family, hadn't lived in district one. She only moved there when she had met Dahlia's father. Briar was actually born in District 12. Dahlia's father was a capital member and eventually settled down. He unfortunately passed away due to natural causes, leaving only Briar and Dahlia.

In the White house, Briar was making breakfast, today would be the reaping. She shuffled around finding some bread and decided to make French toast. Dahlia came downstairs, wearing a white dress, her hair curled with a white bow delicately placed in her hair. She sat down at the table as she watched her mother scurry. She frowned and stood up walking over to her mother. "Do you need any help ma." She asked her. Briar turned to look at her daughter with a far off look. She shakes her head "No my little flower." She said as she placed a hand on her daughter's cheek. Dahlia nodded still looking into her mother's green eyes. She noticed the way her mother's blonde hair looked disheveled from the way she ran it through her hair every 30 seconds.

Dahlia returned back to her seat, she was greeted with a glass of juice and a plate. She started eating as she watched her mother sit down. "Dahlia, I wish to speak to you." She said. Dahlia nodded and looked to her. Briar sighed as she folded her hands. "I want you to have this." She said as she takes off her ring that was a white flower with a pearl in the middle. Dahlia's brown eyes flickered up at her mother with a look of disbelief. "Ma, this is yours, papa gave it to you." She said softly. Briar, with tears forming nodding "I know, but I want you to have it." She placed it into Dahlia's hands. Dahlia held the ring in her hand like it was fragile. She then puts it on her right ring finger. She smiled at her mother who let one tear slip before wiping it away.

Dahlia finished her food before the ringing of the bell started. The bell was a signal that it was time to head for the reaping. Briar stood up clearing her eyes and making herself look appropriate. The two women then walk out of their house, and towards the center. They didn't talk as they blended into the crowd. Briar leaves Dahlia to get her signing in process done. Once Dahlia is processed she joins the other girls that would potentially get reaped. Subconsciously Dahlia started to twirl the ring on her finger out of anxiousness. They then see a woman with pink hair like cotton candy walk onto the stage. Her dress was a sugar plum color that went down to her knees. Her gold heels popped out like a sore thumb against her pale skin. The woman in question was Lizzie Moonbeam, the escort for District One.

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