Chapter 3 | Fashion Show: Part 2/3

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"Sir pohunch gaye hum log" his driver informed.

Arnav jerked out of his trance of thoughts, vaguely remembering entering the gates of the property and passing the long drive to the Mahal. The state of the once prim and maintained glory of it all.

He nodded in reply and asked the driver to fetch his PA who was supposed to be at the location already.

He could have probably called her himself on phone but he wanted to be left alone for a few minutes before he had to face the world outside again.

Arnav used that moment of privacy to calm his heart beat and quiet his head. If he was not wrong then he was on the verge another panic attack aka losing his sh*t. He took a deep breath and closed his fists, focusing his attention on keeping himself tethered to the moment.

He was finally here.

After fifteen years, he was f*cking finally here.

He wasn't entirely sure why this was affecting him so much today even though it was long planned that the event would be held in the guest house of the Mahal.

It was planned so after the his PR team proposed to reveal his ancestral background during the fashion show event, they suggested that the best way to do that would be at the place of his old ancestral home. So, the fashion show was being held at the Shastri Nivas Guest House at Sheesh Mahal after his events team managed to get renting licenses for it by some form of miracle. He was genuinely surprised when they informed him of this unlikely arrangements being made possible.

He was sweating profusely as he sat his face buried in his hands, rubbing it vigorously in a bid to pull himself together and then finished by smoothing his hair back. After another deep intake of breath to stabilize himself, he was somewhere near-ready to get out.

It was one thing to have to reveal such a personal information at national level but a whole different thing to have to do that at the location that holds a dark history of childhood trauma for him, to say the least. Arnav couldn't believe that he actually had only okayed this proposition. He hadn't shared this with anyone at home, however they are bound to find out when they will be checking in for their flights tonight. He was already dreading his Di's lecture on his choices. His eyes immediately rolled at the thought.

Another deep breath and finally he allowed himself to look out of the car's window. The main entrance foyer loomed.

"You called?" Shreya Mathur's face obstructed the view.

Shreya almost laughed when his team was reporting about the rumours of him dating his Personal Assistant. The woman couldn't be more disinterested in him even if he tried given how she was happily married to her childhood sweetheart for eight years.

"Yes" he replied partially relieved at the divergence of his attention. "I need all the deets of this deal. Anything new that I should know?" he asked getting out of his car - a custom-made Aston Martin to allow an extra passenger seating space at the back.

Perhaps he didn't need to but he wanted to make an entrance. He had been presented with a rare opportunity, he had to make the most of it. He probably could have let it go and not pursue this offer.

But it was vital to him that he attend this urgent errand/meeting during this trip itself before he commenced with the pre-show promotional and press events. The errand was a purchase. Of a real estate property. His Ancestral home. Sheesh Mahal.

Inspite of the risk he would be taking to temporarily shift his attention from this company's market repositioning, at such a crucial time, he couldn't avoid putting off the task for until after the show had finished, as the property was up for sale for only a miniscule period of time.

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