Chapter 3 | Fashion Show: Part 3/3

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Arnav's phone rang for the tenth time in a row.

He gave a swift glance towards where it was kept, on a sitting bench across the other end of his hotel's gym.

Then quickly as if it would come alive and swallow him whole, he looked away and focused on covering his miles for the day on the treadmill. Though very little effort was being made to keep track of the numbers and more of the attention was being paid on running like a panther was chasing him.

Eleventh ring.

Arnav increased his speed in response.

His lithe form sweating through his tight fitting black t-shirt like he had been doused in a bucket of water.

Hands almost blurring out in coordination with the legs, his calve muscles straining, breath coming out in short fast spurts and sweat dripping from forehead.

Yet he kept pushing and pushing and pushing letting a loud grunt out of him through the twelvth ring.

He stared at his phone again at the thirteenth ring as he let his heaving breath reduced to a slow controlled deep breathing.

He drew in one last breath to exhale a long swearing breath "fuuuuuuuuu**k" he groaned and stalked up to the phone with a frown on his and exasperation in his soul, knowing exactly who had been calling him fourteen times back to back!

"Di" Arnav said - annoyance lacing his tone - as a way of greeting his sister.

"Where the hell have you been Arnav??" blasted through his phone.

Oh she was mad mad if the usage of his official first name is to be noted.

"Sorry I was busy" Arnav replied dialing down his annoyed tone to zero, hoping it would suffice for her go easy on him.

"I am serious Arnav, I thought we have come far from the days where you would take some accountability and address a very fair concern goddamn straight without first trying to evade it."

Arnav could swear he had never heard her sister seething like that since the time when she had confronted their uncle.

There was a rough edge to her tone.

Perhaps he should address the topic he was really trying to evade discussing with his sister since the past 40 minutes, "Di" Arnav gave in, his voice softening.

"What's happening? Why am I seeing on the news that we are having the fashion show in Shastri Nivas? And please tell me I am hearing it wrong that we - you bought Sheesh Mahal back?? EXPLAIN YOURSELF. NOW," she demanded. Her voice softening a tinge as she then added "You are okay right?"

"I will be" he said his voice lowering to a whisper, not wanting to talk about it but not wanting to lie about it either. "Di please allow me to explain okay?"

"Bhai mere kya keh rahin hoon main jab se" she prompted impatiently. Arnav knew better than to argue with her when she was testy like that.

"The rumours are true" Arnav shared in resignation, taking a seat on the bench, grabbing a lavendar scented towel from a jute beside it. Wiping the sweat off his face he said "I bought back Sheesh Mahal from...Chacha Ji." Arnav's mouth twisted in distaste at that term of deference he had once used for his uncle.

Anjali remained quiet for awhile making Arnav almost believe that she had hung up.

"Tell me everything" she finally replied. This time Arnav didn't hesitate in divulging everything, save for the reasons(or rather lack of them) that had lead to this decision and what happened in his Ma's secret garden.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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