Feelings : Such a simple word, right?

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The tumult of emotions swirling within me was like a storm raging in the depths of my soul, threatening to engulf me entirely. Feelings – such a simple word, and yet it held within it a power that I had never truly comprehended until now.

For twenty years, I had prided myself on keeping my emotions under tight control, on maintaining a cool and collected exterior in the face of even the most trying of circumstances. But now, all of that seemed to be unraveling before my very eyes, leaving me feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty and confusion.

It all started a week ago – a seemingly innocuous encounter with Park Jimin that set off a chain reaction of emotions that I couldn't begin to understand. Every time our paths crossed, I could feel the telltale flutter of butterflies in my stomach, a sensation that was as unsettling as it was inexplicable.

And it wasn't just the butterflies – it was the way his mere presence seemed to throw me off balance, leaving me feeling disoriented and off-kilter in a way that I had never experienced before. Every time I looked into his eyes, I could feel myself getting lost in their depths, as if they held within them some kind of magnetic pull that I couldn't resist.

It was infuriating, to say the least – this sudden onslaught of feelings that I couldn't control or rationalize away. I prided myself on being in control of my emotions, on not letting anything or anyone disrupt the carefully constructed walls that I had built around my heart. And yet, here I was, feeling like a complete and utter mess in the presence of one Park Jimin.

But as frustrating as it was, I refused to acknowledge the truth – that maybe, just maybe, there was something more to my feelings than I was willing to admit. No, I refused to entertain such thoughts, pushing them aside with a stubbornness that bordered on irrationality.

After all, what could I possibly have in common with Park Jimin? He was charming and charismatic, with a smile that could light up even the darkest of rooms. And me? Well, I was just me – plain and unremarkable, with nothing to offer but my own insecurities and doubts.

No, I refused to let myself fall into the trap of attraction, of allowing myself to be swayed by something as fleeting and unreliable as emotions. I was better than that – stronger, more resilient. And so, I pushed aside the fluttering in my stomach, the racing of my heart, and the longing in my soul, burying them deep beneath the surface in a desperate attempt to maintain control.

But no matter how hard I tried to deny it, the truth remained – feelings, once unleashed, were like a wildfire, consuming everything in their path with an insatiable hunger that could not be quenched. And as much as I tried to fight it, I couldn't help but wonder: what if?

What if there was something more between us than mere coincidence? What if there was a connection, a spark that could not be denied? It was a dangerous thought, one that I dared not entertain for fear of what it might reveal.

But deep down, in the darkest recesses of my heart, I knew the truth – that no matter how much I tried to deny it, my feelings for Park Jimin were real, and they were only growing stronger with each passing day.

And so, with a heavy heart and a sense of resignation, I braced myself for the inevitable – the reckoning that would come when I could no longer deny the truth of my own heart.



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